Oh dear-oh dear-oh dear. Went all the way down to London to hand collect a Sinar Norma + accessories so that I could be sure that nothing would break in transit. Managed to get everything home in one piece. Then managed to break the ground glass when excitedly trying to point the camera (sans tripod) at a light source over my head. It's my first large format camera, and the pain in my heart is great. But lesson learned: ground glass is delicate!

Anyhow, I now need to try and source myself some alternate 5x7 glass. I have seen Yanke and Hopf both mentioned as decent sources. What do people think of these guys? The problem with Hopf is he is located Stateside (I am UK), and the postage charges are very, very high. How does he compare to the Yanke glass? (There is a supplier of Yanke right in Glasgow, where I stay, and so this is seeming like it could be a good option at the mo. Plus, the Yanke option 15 pounds cheaper once postage is added).

How do the two above compare to Sinar original glass?

The Norma 5-7 back that I have is an older one, with slots for a fresnel located between the lens and glass. So, although I would like a fresnel, I'm guessing that I'm just looking at a normal ground glass replacement?