This has been discussed before I'm certain. A precise and definitive answer may not be as forthcoming !

I have a BatterScanning adapter for the v700. The product website gives instructions for dry mounting but omits a very important detail as I understand it.

1. I place an appropriate light mask on the table.
2. I place the piece of ANR glass that has only one surface with an ANR coating on top of the light mask such that the ANR surface is uppermost. The glossy side is lying on the light mask underneath.
3. I tape the film to the ANR side of the glass insert.


Do I place the emulsion side of the film against the ANR side of the glass insert or not ??

I ask before I go on a long excursion of mucking about unnecessarily.

My intuition says that the emulsion side of the film should not be placed against the ANR surface.

