Hi guys,
I am thinking about buying a large format camera and would like to hear some suggestions for an affordable camera and your opinion on my plan.
To make a good recommendation you need to know something about me, so here are some details.

About me and my photography
I am a 26 years old student and photography plays an important part in my life. I am photographing my local landscape 3-4 times a week and whenever possible I travel.

Most of my subjects can be found in nature and fall in the landscape category. Some of my better images can be found here and for an overview of my everyday photography you can visit my flickr stream.

Currently I use a Sony Alpha 7 and a wide range of manual lenses from the 70's and 80's. I am certainly a gearhead in the sense that I am fascinated by equipment, learn everything about it that I can and I write gear reviews from time to time. But I also like to use very cheap lenses on my camera and creating images is more important to me than reading about and testing gear, but I enjoy both.

Lately I have had the feeling that there is no real progress in my photography and I would like to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself a bit.
And that is why I am thinking about buying a large format camera. I think especially my compositional skills need some improvement and my hope is that the slower and more deliberate process of LF-photography will support me in that. I am also a huge fan of the work of Joe Cornish and as a digital native I would like to enjoy the gorgeous colors of Velvia in my own images before it is no longer available.

What I need
Being a student with limited income money is an issue for me and I wold like to keep it as expensive as necessary. I don't want to buy a camera which is a pain in the a** to use or likely to break because in the end that would be more expensive than paying a little more in the beginning. But I don't want to pay for a few grams less or some nice features which are not that necessary.
Okay, now you want to hear a number: 300€ would be great, 400€ would be okay, 500€ would hurt.

Image sharpness isn't that important to me, so a medium format camera would give me more than enough detail. If there was a medium format camera which could tilt and shift, was lighter and not more expensive than a LF camera with affordable lenses that would be great, but so far I have not found one.

Thanks for your time and advice,