I stocked up on Fuji 3000B instant film at the end of last year and some at the beginning of this year. Now it seems I may have a bad batch? Or is it me?

When I pull the film from the 405 holder there is not a trace of chemical agent. There is none in a pod or anything. It comes out as just a separated negative/print pages not stuck together with anything.

Is the chemicals for development/printing just not there? Could they really have screwed up that badly? And why haven't I heard about this anywhere? In the box I just used I got 2 working prints out of 10. #5 through #10 just pulled blank.

I've cleaned the rollers on the 405 but surely if it was that there'd be gloppy chemicals somewhere, right? Anyone hear about this issue anywhere else? The other problem is I bought several different batches over some months when they announced it was going to be discontinued and so I have no idea what batch is from where. I also have some older 2011 film that was working fine so I'm almost 100% positive that batch is okay.
