..about two weeks ago i opened a thread because a friend of mine and me got us two chamonix f1 after having used two speed graphics and encountered some problems in using the cameras we did not encounter with the speeds..


..with the help of the forum (and with hugos help (he was really great)) we could rule out that there is something wrong with the cameras..
..its not..they are absolutely fine, but it seems we still don't know some things we should know to get the results we are trying to get..

..in the above mentioned thread there was really fine advice for theory and practical work and i more and more am understanding things like the hinge line etc, but there are things about the camera that despite all theory i don't understand..


1) it is said that the "dotted lines" on the ground glass of the chamonix is the line along that objects stay in focus when applying rear tilt..is this right and also why is this if i am applying rear tilt around the bottom axis..objects placed on a dotted line above the bottom axis should shift out of focus if tilting the rear if i understand it right, so this sounds unlogic to me..maybe it isn't, but please help me understand..

..more to come but i am planning to ask my questions in a cumulative order as maybe some things i want to ask are answered by the replays i get for this..

..any help would be highly appreciated..

..thx in advance, erik..