Completely new to the LF arena in terms of using the cameras, but I have been doing a considerable amount of research for a while now. I know it is no where near the same thing as large format, but I feel as a good entry I have been shooting on medium format film for a few years now with my trusty RB67, which I just sold in order to upgrade to a new field kit. I had bid on (with an undisclosed auction site), and just lost, a Wista 45N kit including a couple Fujinon lenses which broke my heart to no end.

However, I do see this as a great opportunity to learn more about large format before diving in head first and I hope to be filling up my empty tank with the technical knowledge that seems to be rampant here.

A user for years, I am grateful to see another forum that is going to serve as a great resource for this new creative venture in photography and I hope to be a resource and asset as well to this community.

That all being said, if you have a field camera kit you are looking to get rid of, I am all ears. Otherwise, I'm just entirely please to make your acquaintance.