
First, I hope this is the right forum.

Second, I am an idiot. I fully accept this.

As one might detect by looking at the last time I posted, I have not been very active for the last few years. This is because (a) I've been in graduate school, which is extremely busy, and (b) I have no access to a darkroom or a local processor. I do get a few shots a year, maybe 7-8, but that's it.

Anyway, I traveled back to East Texas (Smith Co.) for a couple weeks, and brought my LF gear because there's something I want to photograph. I packed at the last minute, and like a complete idiot, I forgot to bring my lens. (And I was so proud of myself for remembering my black jacket. *sigh*). I was wondering whether anybody in the area might have a second-rate 150mm(ish) lens that I could borrow for a couple of days. I'd be more than happy to leave full purchase price as a deposit, as long as I could return it in the same condition for a refund. My camera is a 4x5 Tachihara.

DFW could also work, as I'll be there over the weekend.

I completely understand if there's nobody around, or you'd rather not trust your lens to a stranger. Sorry again if I'm asking in the wrong forum, and for being an idiot.