Hello there,
I'm pretty much a newbie in the scanning community, and I have a question for you guys.
I used to have a cheap HP printer/scanner a few years ago, and I scanned a couple hundred old pictures.
Recently, I ditched it and bought an Epson v550.
I was hoping to get sharper and more detailed scans, but so far, I've been really disappointed with the results.
Basically, I'm scanning pictures at 1200dpi directly on the glass, and my scans are blurrier with the Epson V550. I've tried scanning at 2400dpi and 4800dpi, but the sharpness doesn't improve at all.

Take a look by yourselves :
cheap HP scan

Epson v550 scan with the Epson Scan software

Epson v550 scan with the VueScan software

Is there an easy solution to get sharper/more detailed scans ?
Do I need to use a software in particular ?
Do I need to use specific settings in Epson Scan or VueScan ?

Thanks a lot in advance for your feedback. I just spent 200 bucks on the Epson V550, and right now, it feels like a big waste of money.