i have been using air shutter releases for operating wollensak "studio" shutters with pretty good success.
i guess i got lucky with a "titan products" brand release sold at sbi/hunts in massachusetts, which from the looks
on the b/h website is similar if not the same as thier "general" brand air shutter release.
well, i say i got lucky because my good release worked great for a few years, until it took the dirt nap ( i am still in mourning) ... the metal part that trips the shutter stopped retracting. i exchanged it at sbi/hunts with no problems, the "new one" worked for only a few months, and now, it too doesn't like to retract either, so i am preparing to return that one as well.

whilst searching b+h's website i came across another air release - made by Degroff Products ...

does anyone have experience with this product?

is it really worth the $80 they are charging for it?

does it have a "long throw" ?

are there any other long throw air releases out there that don't cost a small fortune ??

thanks for your help
