Hi there,

I am new at this, and planning to follow Michael Gordon's advice/process (see his Vimeo video) of using a Jobo expert drum and counter-top roller base. I live in Canada and it is winter here. I keep my house at 18C but could crank it up to 20C on the weekend. I am working on making a DYI tempered bath out of a cooler and an aquarium heater, but thinking that once the chemicals are on the Jobo drum spinning away, they may cool off some -- will this be critical ? I will be using XTOL, and TF-4 as fixer, on TMAX-100 4x5 film. Do I need to have ALL the chemicals at the same temp, or can the fixer etc. be at a lower temp ? Any ideas or advice would be most welcome. It is -17C (2F) outside at the moment..brr...

Cheers !