This question will be simialr to many others, but I do hope those of you who have the expertise will give me your best help. I have been doing Large Format landscape photography for almost 15 years. My only camera doing that period has been a Wisner Technical Field Camera. For several reasons, I have decided to try another camera. The primary reason is that the Wisner is not user friendly for wide angle lenses. I can use a 90mm quite easily by what is known as "dropping the bed". This will work for a 75mm, if one doesn't need much tilt. Trying to explain what I have to do to use my 58mm could be more stressful than doing it. Years ago, I tried a couple of different Fesnel screens, but went back to using the GG. Trying to move my head to see the bright spot can be difficult in a low camera set up with the wide angle lenses. Also, when using the wide angle lenses, the rail that supports the front std., protudes far in back of the viewing screen forcing my dark cloth hood up above the bottom of the viewing screen. There are other drawbacks (like service), but probably all cameras have some.

I am a youthful geezer of 68. I carry all of my equipment in a backpack. My lenses range from 58mm to 600mm Nikkor tele (I do not routinely carry this lens). I do have a 450mm Nikkor that I usually carry. Most of my shots are within 1 mile of my vehicle, but occasionally I go up to 5 miles. Rarely, I will go overnight (this has diminished with age, but I hope to continue a few more years.

After reading many of the posts, I think I have narrowed my choice of a new camera to an Ebony SV45SU and a Arc-Swill F - classic C.

The info I have on the A/S is limited to Jack Dykinga telling me it is the "best". I have downloaded the catalog and read some great posts by Kerry Thalman (I think). Ebony, on the other hand has been great to answer my questions and their site and catalog is more comprehensive. At the current time, I may be leaning toward Ebony because of more info and the fact that it operates similar to the Wisner that I have used.

Here is my take on the Advantages - Disadvantages:

Ebony SV45SU

Advantages:<o/><li>Less weight. 2.7kg (6lbs) vs 3.4kg (7.1lbs) for A/S,<li>More packable for field use, (can be folded & does not need additional protection or a packing bag for carrying in a backpack - this furthers the weight advantage). Packed (folded) size is: 17.5cm (7.2") x 17.5cm x 9.5cm (3.9"),<li> Asymmetrical tilt & swing,<li>Sets up faster after a walk when carrying all equipment in a backpack

Disadvantages:<o/><li>Requires going to a wide angle configuration for 90mm or shorter.<li>Longest practical lens useable is my 600mm tele (I have wanted a 800mm rear unit, but could buy a 720mm)

Arca-Swiss F - classic C

Advantages<o/><li>Smoother & more precise focus & movements?,<li>More user friendly with wide angle lenses (47mm to 90mm)<li>Can handle lenses to 800mm (tele) or longer with extra bellows (& rail extensions?)

Disadvantages<o/><li>My guess is packed size is larger than the Ebony plus a protection wrap or bag is needed,<li>Longer set-up time when carrying all equipment in a backpack,<li>Heavier, especially with a packbag & possibly extra bellows (a bag bellows may be desireable for the Ebony, also)

Thanking all for any help,
