I was going to post this in the Night photo thread but I'd like to see what others are doing specifically with stars and startrails, and maybe get some discussion going regarding reciprocity and other pitfalls of super long exposures at night.

This was shot 3 nights ago on a small island near Cedar Key, Florida. I used a Linhof MT, Schneider 58mm XL, wide-open at f/5.6 and no center filter on Fuji T64. I did a test exposure on my DSLR that showed a good exposure being about 30 minutes without reciprocity. Not knowing the exact reciprocity for this film, I just went to bed and woke up 3 hours later and stopped it. It's still a little dense:

My observation is that I should've done more like 4-5 hours. This was with a half moon to the west and a dim incandescent bulb about 100ft. to the right of the camera.

I'm curious what would do better - this film shot without filtration, or Provia 100F with an 80A filter. Compared to the digital photo I shot the next night (posted in the Small Format thread), the stars are much dimmer here. When I get back my 75mm f/4.5 Biogon from the shop, that'll be my go-to wide angle for startrails, probably wide-open.

I'd love to see what others have shot in this genre!