I'd like to know I'm not on my own here. I've just processed and contact printed possibly the last 6 weeks ( or so ) of my photographic output that is my own - ( not for money!). In this batch I had 66 5x4 sheets - there are some 120 and 35mm, but I'm not including them. All in all quite a lot of work, or at least it felt like it - nearly 8 locations, long hikes, lots of snow, etc etc. Looking at the contacts I start to edit out the shots in favour of what seem like the best, and out of the 66 the final count is 10. 10!. I don't want to enter into my own probably over picky selection methods, but does any one out there have such equally low 'pass' rates over what actually makes it to the enlarger? I dont mind this selection process, in fact I think it has to happen, but tell that to someone with a digital camera and they would think you were mad!