Quote Originally Posted by Ben Syverson View Post
We have a fantastic optical designer who designed some incredible plastic lenses for us, but nothing LF yet. (All speculative projects)

The sticking point with LF is the shutter. All new production shutters are simply too expensive. So we would need to design a brand new shutter, which would probably entail electronics. It's within the realm of possibility, but it would be expensive to set up production. It's an open question whether or not we could deliver the lens and shutter for much less than $150, which is about what 90s cost.

What I was thinking about was a 90mm, single element plastic lens (which already exists in the Holga 6X12 panoramic). Mounted in a simple, one speed, 1/100 sec. plus 'B' shutter (which already exists in a $30 Holga). The 90mm f8 lens on the Holga 6X12 Panoramic even has focusing which would be unnecessary on the Travelwide 90.

Sort of a "Holga" type version 4X5.

Perhaps the people who make the Holga cameras could put together a lens/shutter, mountable on the 90. Of course, with an initial run of perhaps 1000 to 2000 cameras it might not be enough potential sales as not all the backers would be interested in a lens like this at any price.

Just thinking out loud.

Or.....how about a simple 2 element plastic VF for a 90mm AOV on 4X5? Bet they would sell 500 to 800 of those.