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Thread: Deadly hike----Haz-Mat the cause?

  1. #111
    David Schaller
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Williamstown, MA

    Re: Deadly hike----Haz-Mat the cause?

    Here’s the article from the Guardian:

  2. #112
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Deadly hike----Haz-Mat the cause?

    The dog dying too seemed a bit of a mystery. But it looks like a breed known for hip issues, might have been old and out of shape, or simply refused to leave them out of sheer loyalty. There are all kinds of contradictions in various publicized renditions of the story, some of which are no doubt second-hand at best.

    From the TV segment a few minutes ago, given by an officer in the Mariposa Sheriffs Dept, it would appear they were attempting a loop trip because they were found way high up on a dry ridge rather than down along the creek, which would have been a simple relatively level in and out hike. Hiking up a steep dividing ridge over 2000 feet tall instead, in that kind of heat and shadeless, would have been quite stressful. They almost made it back.
    Last edited by Drew Wiley; 21-Oct-2021 at 17:31.

  3. #113
    Drew Wiley
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    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Deadly hike----Haz-Mat the cause?

    There was a lovely segment on PBS last nite showing the remarkable poppy bloom in spring along the now infamous Hite Cove trail. That is probably the most accessible area in Sierra canyons to see spectacular walls poppies a couple thousand feet high for miles and miles (versus the better known hilly sections of southern Calif). The other two river canyons remarkable in that respect are either a much longer drive to, or almost outright inaccessible due to the nature of the terrain itself.

    Even more interesting to me was the remaining and longer portion or the broadcast where the camera crew gained rare access to the incredible March vernal pool flower displays way up on the volcanic tablelands where I grew up, just as spectacular as the superblooms of the Carrizo Plain, but known by few. (The official botanist monitoring the Carizzo bloom does research there too.) The Nature Conservancy now has shared jurisdiction of several of those high tables with the original ranching families, but public access is tightly restricted, or otherwise needs some rock-climbing and trespassing skills, except at the very lowest of them. I've been up them all many times in a different era, even with 8x10 gear in instances, and have geologically mapped em.
    Last edited by Drew Wiley; 25-Oct-2021 at 14:50.

  4. #114
    Louie Powell's Avatar
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    Re: Deadly hike----Haz-Mat the cause?

    There was item on CNN today indicating that the authorities have pretty much concluded that the family died as a result of a combination of dehydration and hypothermia. They had plotted an 8+ mile circular route for the hike, and the bodies were found about 1.6 miles from the end of that route, and their water supply had been depleted.

    They also reported that the man had been attempting to call for help on his cell phone, but the messages never transmitted because they were out of range.

    Truly sad story.

    And it emphasizes an important point - regardless of the advertising by the cell phone companies, there are still large areas in this country with no cell phone coverage. And 5G won't solve that problem. I live a couple of miles from I-87, the main North-South route between New York City and Montreal. There are areas north of here that are within the boundaries of the 'forever wild' Adirondack State Park were there is no cell phone coverage, and there have been instances of people developing medical problems while traveling that route who have been unable to call for help. Seems to me that we should be able to find a solution for that problem in the 21st century.

  5. #115

    Join Date
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    Minnesota and Massachusetts, USA

    Re: Deadly hike----Haz-Mat the cause?

    Quote Originally Posted by Louie Powell View Post
    There was item on CNN today indicating that the authorities have pretty much concluded that the family died as a result of a combination of dehydration and hypothermia. They had plotted an 8+ mile circular route for the hike, and the bodies were found about 1.6 miles from the end of that route, and their water supply had been depleted.

    They also reported that the man had been attempting to call for help on his cell phone, but the messages never transmitted because they were out of range.

    Truly sad story.

    And it emphasizes an important point - regardless of the advertising by the cell phone companies, there are still large areas in this country with no cell phone coverage. And 5G won't solve that problem. I live a couple of miles from I-87, the main North-South route between New York City and Montreal. There are areas north of here that are within the boundaries of the 'forever wild' Adirondack State Park were there is no cell phone coverage, and there have been instances of people developing medical problems while traveling that route who have been unable to call for help. Seems to me that we should be able to find a solution for that problem in the 21st century.
    Did you mean hyperthermia?

  6. #116
    Drew Wiley
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    Re: Deadly hike----Haz-Mat the cause?

    Hyperthermia, Louie, not hypothermia (they didn't freeze to death; it was too hot for them). True about cell phones in remote areas and especially in steep canyon country. Don't count on them. And the official SEKI website (Kings and Sequoia National Parks) is now officially warning drivers not to trust vehicle or cellphone navigation aids with respect to alternate backroads into those Parks, which can easily have dire consequences. Those navigation aids get a number of people in deep trouble all over the West every year. But the number one cause of cellphone "e-deaths" : people taking selfies at the edges of scenic cliffs; happened to another person last week.

    Yosemite is allegedly going to install a few controversial cell phone towers for sake of better Yosemite Valley coverage itself. Another abomination. If people want a theme park with all the amenities, go to Disneyland instead. Fortunately, there's still plenty of backcountry higher up with neither cell phone coverage nor the crowds, in fact, nearly nobody around in some sections.

  7. #117
    Land-Scapegrace Heroique's Avatar
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    Re: Deadly hike----Haz-Mat the cause?

    I agree with Louie that this tragic hiking story offers valuable lessons about safe hiking.

    For those interested, here’s today’s update from CNN:

    Just one lesson worth noting: the husband, an experienced hiker, planned the route the day before – a good idea of course, but only if you address potential issues that may be important to you, such as cell coverage. In addition, as he mapped-out the hike, I can only suspect he didn’t consider they’d be ascending 2,000 feet on the last portion of their hike on a south-facing (sun-facing) slope in mid-day heat, likely 100-110 deg. F. – without trees or other natural sources of shade. Maybe he didn’t use a topo map or consult weather reports. I keep thinking a poncho, a light tarp, or shelter material, among the ten essentials, could have been used like an umbrella or shelter supported by hiking poles. Packing the extra weight of the ten essentials can be a challenge for some hikers since they’re not needed when you pack.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
    Another abomination.
    I mostly agree, and Natty Bumppo salutes you!

  8. #118
    ic-racer's Avatar
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    Re: Deadly hike----Haz-Mat the cause?

    Water and shade! I certainly take that for granted here in the land of a thousand lakes and a billion trees. Sad story.
    Hikers in these parts drown and get crushed by trees.

  9. #119
    Drew Wiley
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    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Deadly hike----Haz-Mat the cause?

    They also had an infant along. I sure wouldn't call that wise planning, or really any of that steep route on that hot of a day! The only silver lining is that all of the resultant publicity should serve as a distinct warning to others.

  10. #120

    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: Deadly hike----Haz-Mat the cause?

    If your going to go WAY back into the woods, buy, rent or borrow a satellite phone! Yeah, it's expensive-but how much is your life worth to you?

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