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Thread: Is Fred Newman the latest to be in the list?

  1. #11

    Is Fred Newman the latest to be in the list?

    For God’s sake! What is the telephone is for? Just call him to find out that you were wrong!

    Then don’t forget to apologize here.

  2. #12

    Is Fred Newman the latest to be in the list?

    For the record, I finally received a response from Dennis. Dennis has no reason for why I did not receive the subscription. He has offered to send me back issues.

    Let's not forget that I paid money and did not receive a product. Perhaps this is the first time this has happened with the View Camera Store, I hope so.

    Anyway, it looks like Dennis will make good.


  3. #13

    Is Fred Newman the latest to be in the list?


    No need to apologize, I was the consumer who was not sent the product I ordred. I am sure that the retailer will make good on my purchase.

    For others who found it necessary to pass judgement, re-read my post, Not a character assasination as suggested. I only stated a fact.

  4. #14
    Michael Jones's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 1998
    Nashville, Tennessee

    Is Fred Newman the latest to be in the list?


    Not a charactrer assasination? Pass judgment? Whose post started with: "dead beat retailers" and "casualty of this pandemic."

    How about something gentler such as "has anyone else had a problem..." or picking up the phone and calling before you post something like this that is broadcast all over the world? It's not like there are thousand of large format retailers left before picking on the honest ones.

    “You can’t have everything. Where would you put it?”

  5. #15

    Is Fred Newman the latest to be in the list?

    I recently bought a used lens from Fred, and was very happy with the service and their discription of the lens. Considering how very few stores there are out there that deal specifically with LF, I think we are pretty luck to have as many honest ones as we do. Sure, now and then even the best make a mistake. Even SK Grimes, who is now (rightfully) cannonized in these "halls", screwed up one of my lenses. The difference is that Mr. Grimes did everything he could to make it right, as I am sure Fred will. There is a world of difference between these folks who make an occasional mistake or oversight, and those who are just out to make a quick buck. It is in our best interest to recognize this...

  6. #16

    Is Fred Newman the latest to be in the list?

    Fair enough Michael, Perhaps a more gentle approach would have been sufficient. I did plant the seed of question and got the answer. Dennis and Fred responded and made the situation right.

    Dennis contacted me several times today, he has shown a siginificant sense of concern and has sent me the issues that I had subscribed for. I feel that I have been made whole and no longer harbor any ill feelings.

    My faith in the View Camera Store has been reaffirmed.

    Should Q. wish to remove this discussion, I have no objections.


  7. #17

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Is Fred Newman the latest to be in the list?

    As a disinterested viewer (I've never used them) I would say The View Camera Store comes out of this with it's reputation enhanced, if anything, by the large number of recommendations.

    Should I feel an overpowering need for BTZS tubes etc in the future, thanks to the postings here I would have no hesitation in dealing with them....


  8. #18

    Is Fred Newman the latest to be in the list?

    Fred is honest and easy to deal with. Nothing else needs to be said.


  9. #19

    Is Fred Newman the latest to be in the list?

    I have had so many dealings with Fred Newman and Dennis Kibbe that they seem like old friends even though I have never met them in person. If I have a question, even though I am not buying anything, they always have the time to talk to me. I have ordered cameras, film, tripods, lenses and any number of other things from them and have never even had a hint of a problem. And the newsletter has come just like clockwork. They have earned 100% of my trust.

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Is Fred Newman the latest to be in the list?

    Hate to be redundant but the wife and I bought a pocket expedition from Fred along with assorted sundry items. Great service before and after the sale. Also had the pleasure of meeting Fred a few years back in NYC at the PhotoExpo. Great guy, knows his stuff, generous with his time, fun to talk to, instantly took a liking to him. One of a kind, finest kind.

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