Quote Originally Posted by Curt View Post
Jim, it's going to be a great show and a rare opportunity for the public to see Carbon Transfer Prints up close. Not only will they see some outstanding work but in sizes that are just not seen today, especially at one time. When you announced the show many months ago I immediately set the time aside to attend. Congratulations, it has been a labor of love and many many long hours of work involving traditional film with traditional Ultra Large Format cameras that you crafted and built. I will see you there in Ventura!

Finally... the light at the end of the tunnel! And it's not an oncoming train.
How many months has it been that your forum posts are along the lines of "no time for that", "no money for that. I've got a show coming up." "Can't do that as it takes away from my preparations for an upcoming show"? Hot damn. You can finally bite into the fruits of your labor. I only wish I could attend to enjoy it with you. It's truly a rare experience to see that many carbon prints, especially in those sizes, in one place. After the show, pack it well. You need to have it ready for transporting to your next show in or around TN.

Best of luck!