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Thread: Cathedral Peak???????

  1. #11
    Drew Wiley
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    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Cathedral Peak???????

    I guess if you include mosquitoes, Yosemite certainly rivals Yellowstone in terms of wildlife.

  2. #12
    ROL's Avatar
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    Re: Cathedral Peak???????

    Quote Originally Posted by tgtaylor View Post
    Cathedral Peak

    Thomas, I don't really want to start an argument here, but are you sure your pic is of Cathedral? It doesn't really match any view I am personally aware of, but seems more likely that these may be the nearby Echo Peaks: (end of video)

  3. #13 tgtaylor's Avatar
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    Re: Cathedral Peak???????

    Quote Originally Posted by ROL View Post
    Thomas, I don't really want to start an argument here, but are you sure your pic is of Cathedral? It doesn't really match any view I am personally aware of, but seems more likely that these may be the nearby Echo Peaks: (end of video)

    No argument imagined ROL. Which is which has always been confusing to me. In fact I may have mistaken Echo Peaks for Cathedral Peak when I first hiked ion the area: I as coming from the south on the JMT.

    However my photo above was shot on the north side of cathedral lakes and not over Cathedral Pass to the south. If you look carefully at the very bottom on the image a little to the right of center you'll see the heads of two hikers slightly intruding into the bottom of the frame. They are on the JMT on the lower lakes side and heading back in. Here's a USGS 7.5 minute map of the area:

    Note that the “peak” has a lateral component that would cut across (east) the trail the hikers are on. Note also the apparently large meadow the hikers are crossing. Now look at Echo Peak further to the south. Its prominence appears to be parallel with the trail. Coupled with the fact that I did not go further than lower lakes that day and for the hikers to be in a meadow area they would have had to been in the large meadow on the north side of the pass, I “think that the photo is of Cathedral Peak.


  4. #14

    Re: Cathedral Peak???????

    Quote Originally Posted by tgtaylor View Post
    No argument imagined ROL. Which is which has always been confusing to me.
    It is easy to get turned around with so many spectacular peaks in the area, and each a cathedral in its own right... The cluster in your lovely photo is Echo Peaks, which has some terrific climbing routes, and, in my estimation, one of the best summit views in all of Yosemite. Attached is an image of Matthes Crest I captured 2009 from the summit of Echo Peaks, the same trip I climbed the shoulder of Cathedral Peak (BTW, awesome views of Cathedral from up there, too).
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails MCEP PORTFOLIO.jpg  

  5. #15
    ROL's Avatar
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    Re: Cathedral Peak???????

    Thomas, only you know, or believe you know, where the pic was taken. It seems a though it might have been taken just south of Cathedral Pass, by your own description. The marked forested slabs southeast of the pass on your map also matches this location in your pic, as opposed to the "barren" west flank of Cathedral. This photo (of Cathedral) was taken from a meadow through which the JMT passes immediately north and somewhat below the upper lake:

    The fortuitous comparison video link provided of Echo Pks., taken generally from the west, also appears to match your photo, albeit at a much greater distance. Perhaps your choice of lens and shooting position foreshortened the distance between Cathedral and the Echo group, flattening Cathedral in the bargain. Well, I'll leave it at that. I do think you've convinced someone () that it is Cathedral, just not me.
    Last edited by ROL; 11-Jun-2012 at 19:42. Reason: Meadow Peak

  6. #16
    Michael E. Gordon
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    Re: Cathedral Peak???????

    Quote Originally Posted by ROL View Post
    Thomas, I don't really want to start an argument here, but are you sure your pic is of Cathedral? It doesn't really match any view I am personally aware of, but seems more likely that these may be the nearby Echo Peaks:
    Thomas's image is most definitely the Echo Peaks.

  7. #17

    Re: Cathedral Peak???????


    This snap should help with a lay of the land...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails CathedralPano.jpg  

  8. #18 tgtaylor's Avatar
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    Re: Cathedral Peak???????

    Thanks Keith and ROL. Actually it certainly doesn't look like a "cathedral" to me either. I shot it with a 75mm lens on a P67II from a spot somewhere to the west near the red "14" on the map. I ran across the slide about a month ago and printed it on my Epson 2200. Curiously I filed it as "Cathedral Peak Area" in the computer. When I posted to this thread I consulted my map (above) and although I shot the image a few years ago I fully remember that day and never went anywhere towards Upper Lake. Here is another photo that I took that day (same camera and lens):

    Anyone have an idea what this is of?


  9. #19

    Re: Cathedral Peak???????

    Quote Originally Posted by tgtaylor View Post

    Anyone have an idea what this is of?

    That is the elusive Cathedral Peak. ;-)

    Love the foreground, BTW.

  10. #20 tgtaylor's Avatar
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    Re: Cathedral Peak???????

    Thanks for clearing that up for me Keith. The Cathedral Peak image was shot just a little ways to the left of where I shot the Echo Peaks image so it looks like you can capture both from the lower lakes area. At the time I was looking for a foreground and spotted the glacial erratic and used the 75mm lens so as not to throw the peak too far in the background. A strong wind came up after I shot this and it began to hail but no rain followed.


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