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Thread: What Do I Charge for a Portrait Session?

  1. #31
    Paul Ron's Avatar
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    Aug 2004

    Re: What Do I Charge for a Portrait Session?

    look at it another way... to hire a model these days would cost $100-$300/hr.

    if you found a model to sit on a trade basis, they would expect at least 2-4 prints.

    so what is your time and materials worth?


  2. #32
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: What Do I Charge for a Portrait Session?

    I ran ads for models to hire years ago

    They always want their sleaseball boyfriend to act as security

    The few I actually checked out were drug addicts and covered in tattoo

    I have an outside shooting studio on my long porch

    very careful
    Tin Can

  3. #33
    wclark5179's Avatar
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    Minnetonka, Minnesota

    Re: What Do I Charge for a Portrait Session?

    What are other photographers charging? You don’t want to price your service low because many will think your price is indicative of the quality your work.

    Do you have a portfolio of photographs you have made and printed to show potential clients?

    What is your style of photographing people?

    Do you have a successful photographer who would be willing to be a coach and mentor for you?

    How are you going to get potential clients to look at your work then decide to make an appointment to check you out?

    Do you have a business plan?


    I was fortunate, when I was just starting up, finding a gentleman who helped me get going.

    I’m retired now from business but still making photographs of my family.

    Good luck.

  4. #34
    Pieter's Avatar
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    Jul 2018

    Re: What Do I Charge for a Portrait Session?

    It can be difficult to determine the price fro photography. Mainly, it depends on your talent and experience and the market you are in. "Spec" work or working for barter may be OK when you are trying to establish yourself, but please do not work for free or low rates. By doing that you are hurting every single professional photographer in your area, including yourself.

  5. #35
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: What Do I Charge for a Portrait Session?

    May I repeat

    I don’t want a business ever again

    I love shooting people

    I find trees not as interesting

    I love trees, I even hug them, meditate WITH them

    Time is short

    Be happy

    Tin Can

  6. #36
    wclark5179's Avatar
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    Minnetonka, Minnesota

    Re: What Do I Charge for a Portrait Session?

    Your question looks to me like some one asking because of business considerations.

    Take a look and read your question.

    “What Do I Charge for a Portrait Session”

    What answer are you looking for?

    The pricing I used would have little relevance here.

  7. #37
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: What Do I Charge for a Portrait Session?

    Works well on head shots

    No I am not enbracing this tech

    I am going to shoot more old heads

    warts and all
    Tin Can

  8. #38

    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: What Do I Charge for a Portrait Session?

    In 1974, Damien Waring explained all this to me in Honolulu when I began to assist him and his partner Lurline. He said "When they ask what I will do for $100, I tell them I'll polish my lens." It took another six years for the wisdom of this remark to reveal itself to me, when I began the study of The Book of Five Rings by Musashi and Zen and the Art of Archery by Herrigel.

  9. #39

    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: What Do I Charge for a Portrait Session?

    What Do I Charge for a Portrait Session?

    I think one should write a book on this or have many views on this subject it would be very helpful , I did Portrait pgotography very classical 6x6 -6x9 10x12.5 on location. The costumers - clients where drying up.

    He said "When they ask what I will do for $100, I tell them I'll polish my lens."...well this brings up a story in my memory from a portrait studio here in Athens Gr. Studio Maurogenis,.
    A lady walked in for a portrait. The master photographer seeing that this one lady will not be happy with any results NO MATTER WHAT!
    He winked his eye to me, and so he started his story...And so Mr. Maurogenis ..." I see Madam that you are ready for your portrait , I must inform you that our studio has the best and most expensive cameras made by special order just for us!!! Our Lens costume designed to our needs here for the studio!! BUT I must inform you that even in this day and age of such technological wonders! there is the probability that the Compur of the lens due to a speck of one molecule of dust to a lapse in it working correct resolving in a reshoot !!! I hope YOU CAN UNDERSTAND that !!!!
    This was 1994.

  10. #40

    Join Date
    Apr 2021

    Re: What Do I Charge for a Portrait Session?

    Pricing portraits can be tricky, but here's a tip: research local rates, calculate your expenses, and factor in your time and value. It's okay to start lower, but don't undervalue yourself.

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