I have noticed that one of my Toyo monorail cameras has alignment error, the plane of ground glass (and whole film back assembly) differs from the plane of the back frame.

When the back and GG is aligned to vertical, the back frame shows some tilt.

I have seen the slight out of focus portions in some negatives, but have always thought that it's just my mistake. Now after found that alignment difference, I checked my other monorail cameras.

The 810G and 45G does not have problems with GG plane - rear frame alignment. But while checking these, I noticed another thing; the back on every camera has some freeplay. Horizontal and vertical.

Is this normal or should I do some shimming? The amount of movement is demonstrated in this video clip.

The GG to rear frame alignment must also be fixed - is this done with some kind of shims or how?

Thanks for your help