Okay everybody, I am really going to do it: I am going to buy a Deardorff. I ha ve been fighting my wobbly 8x10 B&J long enough. I came closer than I care to c ontemplate to buying a used Phillips 8x10 last week at significantly more than I can afford, and to foreclose any chance of actually doing it I am going to buy a camera that is only slightly more than I can afford. My question is:

Does "nfs" mean just that, no front swings? Are there any other differences in these two cameras I should know about? The nfs cameras are significantly cheape r, and I cannot recall ever using front swing in my life, so it seems like the o ne to be on the lookout for. A review of the web revealed nothing, and the only mention on this page is that the nfs cameras tend to be older. Do any of you o wn one of these cameras?

Thanks very much for your help.