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Thread: Frame Spacing issues with older Linhof Rollex backs

  1. #1
    Whatever David A. Goldfarb's Avatar
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    Honolulu, Hawai'i

    Frame Spacing issues with older Linhof Rollex backs

    Not long ago I picked up an older 6x6 Rollex rollfilm holder for 4x5". The back looked to be hardly used and when I tested it, it had a very positive feel, but when I processed the film, I found it had a very slight frame overlapping problem at one end of the roll. I sent it to Frank Marshman who examined it, and he says he thinks it is not repairable (he didn't charge me, by the way, even though he did take it apart and clean and lubricate it, since he couldn't fix the problem). Unlike a modern back that uses a feeler wheel to detect the linear film travel, the frame spacing is determined on these backs by turning the knob a fixed number of revolutions. Film is thinner than it used to be, so frames will overlap slightly at the beginning of the roll and move farther apart toward the end of the roll.

    Has anyone else experienced this and possibly found a solution, or are earlier Rollex backs just obsolete, at least in 6x6?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    San Clemente, California

    Frame Spacing issues with older Linhof Rollex backs

    "Film is thinner than it used to be..."

    Does this problem exist even with TMX/TMY, which are currently the thickest 120 films available?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    The "Live Free or Die" state

    Frame Spacing issues with older Linhof Rollex backs

    I bought one of these in 6x9 format. I shot a bunch of rolls of black and white with out problems. The last two rolls of Fuji Provia and Velvia came back with overlapped frames. I though the back was broken, but I guess it is just unasable with color. Actually the frame overlap is only 1-2 mm, so unusable is a bit harsh. The black and white films I was using by the way were Ilford FP4+ and HP5+.

    I guess this news will drive the price of these backs down a bit, which sucks since I was thinking about selling mine before I found this problem out.

  4. #4

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    The "Live Free or Die" state

    Frame Spacing issues with older Linhof Rollex backs

    Just had a thought. Try bulking up the take-up spool with masking tape or paper.

  5. #5

    Frame Spacing issues with older Linhof Rollex backs

    I had the same problem with a 6x9 Rollex. I even sent it to Marflex, who charged me but didn't actually fix the problem. From what I have gathered from other users, this is a serious problem with the Linhof Rollex (but not the Super Rollex) backs. I think one is best off avoiding them.

  6. #6
    Whatever David A. Goldfarb's Avatar
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    Honolulu, Hawai'i

    Frame Spacing issues with older Linhof Rollex backs

    Is T-Max still on a thicker base? I seem to recall that it originally was, and this caused some problems with certain film backs, and that they changed it to a thinner base.

    In any case, thanks for the confirmation. The seller may take it back or we may agree to some partial refund, in which case I may try that masking tape idea. Meanwhile, just to be sure the problem isn't the spool, I measured the cores of a couple of old metal film spools just to be sure, and they are the same diameter as modern Kodak spools.

  7. #7

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    San Clemente, California

    Frame Spacing issues with older Linhof Rollex backs

    Yes, T-Max is still on a 4.7 mil base, as it has been since around 1988. When it was first introduced in 1987 Kodak used a 5 mil base, but Mamiya backs in particular jammed with it, so the reduction occurred very quickly. Until Agfa discontinued it last year, Agfapan 25 held the 'thickest' distinction with a 4.9 mil base. Yet another reason to lament its demise.

  8. #8
    Whatever David A. Goldfarb's Avatar
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    Honolulu, Hawai'i

    Frame Spacing issues with older Linhof Rollex backs

    Thanks for the info, Sal. I don't shoot a lot of TMX, but if I get stuck with this back, that may be a solution.

  9. #9

    Frame Spacing issues with older Linhof Rollex backs

    I don't have an answer here, but in thinking about it I thought of a word (which may not be novel, but was independently thought up).

    "ReBay" - a verb meaning to resell this sort of error. Like "re-gifting"

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    Sao Paulo, Brazil

    Frame Spacing issues with older Linhof Rollex backs

    I think Mr Salomon could say something about that.

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