I searched high and low for some substantive info on development times for Efke PL25 sheet film -- and I used the DigitalTruth recommended 1:2 / 11 min formula and had good results -- but I would like to eke out a sharper image from my negs and I know (and have seen) the difference in sharpness that various dilutions of Xtol produce with other films.

Is anyone out there processing this film in straight Xtol or Xtol 1:1? What are your development times? Are you happy with the results you're getting?

I realize that this film is not Tmax and I don't expect similar results -- and yes, before you go on and on about Rodinal and Pyrocat, I could process it in those developers, but I'm not going to for several reasons (environmental, kids, I'm washing my film in the kitchen sink, etc etc).

Thanks in advance!