I finally bit the bullet and embraced digital printing and have just bought an Epson V700 with the Better Scanning 5x4" wet/dry mounts.
So far, having determined my optium height with the BS holder (2 3/4 turns out) I can see no significant difference against film scanned with the Epson holders at their best setting.
This is just dry-mounted, no doubt wet mounting would be a different issue. I am still waiting on my Epson 3880 printer so can't test print output just yet.
But with about 200 of my best negs & trannies to scan, the Epson film holder is looking pretty attractive for it's faster workflow - no tape, no alignment issues, no "document not found" preview errors, just drop in the film and shut the gate.

I'm prepared to conceed at this stage that my testing proceedure is not flawless and would like advice on how to fine tune my resolution/sharpness tests.

I was thinking about maybe contact printing a glass USAF1951 target (if I can get hold of one for less than $150) onto fine grain B&W film or maybe just shooting a big printout of a sharpened USAF1951.
Any ideas?
What is the finest grained 5x4" film now that Tech Pan has joined George Eastman in the great yellow heaven? I don't even see PanF available in sheets anywhere.