Gregg and Michael, thanks for the kind words.
contact print of objects, 15 second exposure developed in room light in caffenol
"I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White
Hey John.
yea . the paper get this fog and stain on it so when it's scanned it exhibits color, it's kind of wild ..
I used Tetenal Work grad.3 paper. Expired in the 1990th.
18x24cm, developed in Tetenal Eukobrom
Goerz Dogmar 360mm f/5.5 @f5.5
Partial solarized with UV light.
Sinar Norma 8x10"
And a second version of it.
Same data than before.
This is very interesting...I must try some caffenol. Do you have a recipe? For the past couple of years I have been making what I have called 'in camera lumens'. I have used a simple camera, cardboard box and single lens element, shooting photo paper with times ranging from 30-60 minutes. There is no chemical processing and the latent image is scanned, inverted, adjusted in Photoshop.The light scattered at different wavelengths from the exposed silver halides produces the colors. One of the keys is no fixing...when doing so the colors are not as pronounced. There has been a good discussion of this on a Face Book page called 'experimenting with photographic paper as film'.
Hi Joe
In camera lumens are fun aren’t they? they're kind of magical... My caffenol recipe is the teaspoon one 8oz water, 4 tsp instant cheep gut rot coffee, 2 tsp washing soda and about 1/4 tsp vit c .. and I use whole bean Sumatra robusta. If u want some beans let me know, I seem to have a lifetime supply…. You can put your in camera lumens in caffenol, the carbonate will help you get more than a scan from your images. I call them retina prints like Niépce called them…I used to expose for days sometimes, depending on the light, now I have gotten my exposures down to 6 mins ( with a box camera choked to f10 ) , with a faster lens less than 1 minute . I'd check out the FB group but I don't have an account there that place gave me the heebie-jeebies a handful of years ago, so I never went back .. you can see some of my retina prints on instagram or my blog/website .. i usually tag them "retinaprint" over on IG ... maybe the same thing on my blog, I can't remember ... I made this image in march last year, .. someone reported me to the fuzz and 2 police cruisers pulled up and interrogated me while I was making it ... lucky for me and these retina prints I could pull the 4x5 paper (film) holder out of the camera and show the image stain, full daylight exposure doesn't really phase them LOL.
Last edited by jnantz; 26-Feb-2024 at 06:48.
A paper negative from yesterday. MGIV RC 10x8”, Deardorff, TTH Cooke Apotal 18”. F/64, 4mins with a yellow filter. Developed in Ilford PQ Universal. Spotmetered at iso 3 with the filter. No shutter on the lens so did it with a hat over the lens. Beanie though, maybe i should buy a top hat or bowler.
What looks like streaks in the water are actually reflections from the rockface above and out of shot. While I was exposing this (literally mid exposure) a guy came up to me and what started out as the usual “ooh that’s funny looking camera” banter ended up being a chat about the rock climbing in this quarry, as he’d climbed some of the routes in the 1980s as a younger man, and he actually climbed with a guy who lives a few doors down my street back in day. Funny how these big cameras always prompt a conversation.