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Thread: FP-100C45 - Discontinued?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    FP-100C45 - Discontinued?


    After a long night searching for a definitive answer i am here! Has FP-100C45 been Discontinued? It seems very hard to find & there seems to be no mention of it on Fuji's site? In a few other threads there are links to were it should be but the 'C45' version of FP-10 doesn't seem to be there??

    While im here can someone say for sure that Kodak and Fuji have definitely not discontinued 4X5 sheet film? Because I'm just about to build a LF set up for the first time!

    Help! & Thanks..

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Southland, New Zealand

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Re: FP-100C45 - Discontinued?

    Quote Originally Posted by Baigent View Post
    Has FP-100C45 been Discontinued?

    Quote Originally Posted by Baigent View Post
    It seems very hard to find & there seems to be no mention of it on Fuji's site?

    Quote Originally Posted by Baigent View Post
    While im here can someone say for sure that Kodak and Fuji have definitely not discontinued 4X5 sheet film?
    They have discontinued some 4x5 sheet films, but they have not discontinued all 4x5 sheet films.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: FP-100C45 - Discontinued?

    The 4x5 version would seem it's still available, on the Fuji site:

    Badger and Freestyle show stock.



  5. #5
    Daniel Stone's Avatar
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    Los Angeles area

    Re: FP-100C45 - Discontinued?

    If you're planning on shooting black and white, there's always Ilford, Foma, and other brands of film to use if you can't source Kodak or Fuji.

    for color, they're pretty much the only two games in town. At least in a professional manner of film production. Professional = consistent product from run to run.

    but as many(including myself) are doing currently, we're stocking up on our favorite emulsions(color and b/w), and putting them in the freezer/fridge, allowing us to have what we need, when we need it. If you can afford too, buy as much as you can afford, or believe you'll need for the forseeable future, at least with b/w. Color is a little more sketchy.

    but frankly, I'm just buying double my "normal" amount than I normally would, and putting those extra boxes in the freezer for those "rainy days" when my favorite emulsions aren't available or have been discontinued.

    I just bought 20 boxes of FP-100C45, and since its the only game in town, I don't think they'll stop, but you never know. FP-100B45 (black and white 100 speed instant film) HAS been discontinued, but the color stuff is still a current product as far as I know. And I hope it stays around a good while longer, its nice stuff! I decided to take on a 2nd job, just to fund my habit, that's how serious I am about making sure my materials I like/need are ready, at hand when I need them. Color and b/w.


  6. #6

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    Feb 2011

    Re: FP-100C45 - Discontinued?

    Thanks for your replies..

    Basically i have just paid for a Sinar F1 - i'm yet to buy lenses, film holders etc. I was planning to start with a 120 roll back & PA45 to learn on but know i'm thinking this might be a bad investment and i'm considering re-selling the F1!

    I'm only really interested in color & would be processing and scanning at home. Do you think 4X5 will be a medium that will continue into the future?

    Thanks again..

  7. #7

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    Feb 2011

    Re: FP-100C45 - Discontinued?

    Could anyone recommend a cheap supplier in the UK?

  8. #8
    Daniel Stone's Avatar
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    Re: FP-100C45 - Discontinued?

    well Baigent,

    the hole(aka LF) can go deep, VERY deep . Its easy to get sucked into gear-o-mania, chasing pipe-dreams to think that having that special lens will make you a better photographer,etc.... Not true. There's plenty of 4x5 capable lenses out there, and using rollfilm in a back can help you get up and running quickly, w/o having to purchase film holders, etc... Film holders can be had on the cheap, just watch ebay regularly, as well as craigslist(I believe that's in the UK).

    just keep a vigilant eye, and go slow. Its a slippery slope, and if you don't plan your steps carefully, its easy to go crazy buying equipment you probably will never need.

    just my $.02


  9. #9
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    Northern Virginia

    Re: FP-100C45 - Discontinued?

    Quote Originally Posted by Baigent View Post
    I'm only really interested in color & would be processing and scanning at home. Do you think 4X5 will be a medium that will continue into the future?
    Kodak just introduced Ektar in 2008, and I suspect they'll produce it for as long as they produce any film. It will be the last to go from Kodak.

    Fuji will also consolidate, but I suspect they'll hang on to Velvia, at least, for as long as they make film at all.

    I have enough Fuji Quickloads in my freezer to keep me making color photos (at my current snail's pace) for a goodly long time. I will be adding some Ektar to that capability, probably this year--I've just been hearing too many good things about it.

    Buy film and use it--that's the only way to enjoy now and in the future.

    Rick "120 film seems no more stable in the long term than 4x5" Denney

  10. #10
    Film and Darkroom User
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    Re: FP-100C45 - Discontinued?

    It's available from Silverprint and AG Photograhic in the UK to name but two.


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