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Thread: TMax in the deep freez

  1. #1

    TMax in the deep freez

    O.K. Now that Kodak has discontinued T Max in the 25 sheet boxes, and I know hav e to buy 50 sheets at a time, maybe I should keep the film in the fridge / free zer? I expect to use about 6 sheets a week. My question is, fridge or freezer? When I take the film out, should I load the holders right away, so then I can p ut the rest of the film back. quickly? Should I take out what I need and put it in a light tight box and put the rest back quickly? Or is it not even a big deal to keep the film cold at all. Ofc ourse, there will be the hot summer months t o contend with. Thank you for the info.

  2. #2

    TMax in the deep freez

    You will probably cause more damage to the film by taking the box in and out of the fridge/freezer. This because of moisture build-up. B/W film in general is not that sensitive to ageing, at least not before its expiration date. Age will most certainly NOT be a factor if the time is less than a year. I have recently successfully used TMax film that was stored on a shelf and it expired in -95. I've read many "success stories" with film that was much older. On the other hand I've also read some stories where film had gained a lot of base fog soon after expiration date so nothing could really be taken for granted.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    San Clemente, California

    TMax in the deep freez

    If you're buying the film fresh and using up a box in just over eight weeks, I wouldn't consider even the refrigerator unless ambient temperature in your house is approaching 100 degrees F. In that case you have bigger problems than sheet film degradation!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Oregon now (formerly Austria)

    TMax in the deep freez


    Unless you are going to store film for years, you do not need to freeze it. If you plan on using it before the expiration date, all you need to do is keep it around room temperature. If that is not possible, simply pop your unopened film into a quart-size zip-loc type bag and toss it in the fridge (you don't really even need the plastic bag for unopened film, but it's good protection against in- fridge spills). Just be sure to give it time to warm up to room temperature before opening it and loading the film holders.

    If you wish to store a partial box of film, i.e. the inner foil bag has been opened, and you live in a dry climate, you can also just put the box into a zip-loc, squeeze out as much air as possible and refrigerate. However, if the ambient humidity and temperature are high, you could get condensation on the film if you put it in the fridge due to the moisture content of the warm air. In this case, I would let the film box sit in an air-conditioned environment for a day or so to reduce the humidity and temperature and then refrigerate. If you are travelling around with film very much in the heat, a cheap cooler (no ice!) is good for keeping film holders and spare film cool.

    I imagine the new Kodak packaging comes with two 25-sheet foil pouches, so it is possible to load one and then toss the other in the fridge for later use without worrying about condensation.

    I have refrigerated partial 100-sheet boxes for years without problems. Hope this helps ;^D)

  5. #5

    TMax in the deep freez

    if you do continue to freeze/refregerate your film, go to an army surplus store and pick up an ammo can (make sure it has a good rubber seal), put the open film box in that so you can pull the can out of the freezer and let it get to room temp before opening, takes care of the condensation problem.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    God's Country

    Re: TMax in the deep freez


    You've gotten lots of great advice here. But, here's my 2 cents worth...

    If you're going to freeze film, I'd suggest using something like a plastic Rubber Maid container with a good air-tight lid to it. I've been storing my Provia transparency film in these containers for years and have never had any issues with my film.

    As for B&W... I agree with Sal. I don't think you'll have any problems with keeping them either in a cool room or fridge. Let's put it this way... you won't have to worry about color shift!

    One other suggestion... throw in a few desiccant packages if you decide to go the Rubber Maid container route. It'll make things a lot more expedient when you take the package out of the freezer.

    Life in the fast lane!

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