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Thread: Zone VI 5x7 Enlarger

  1. #1

    Zone VI 5x7 Enlarger

    Anyone have anything to say about the Zone VI 5x7 enlarger? There's one up for b id on EBay auctions, with the variable contrast coldlight.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 1999

    Zone VI 5x7 Enlarger

    I don't own one but I know it can be outfitted with a 8x10 head and that is reason enough to consider purchasing it at a reasonable price. Dick have you looked at their websight? They have tons of accessories, I haven't been there in while so i don't have the address but try a search. It's not tank-like in appearance like the durst but I'm sure if the column can support a 8x head it probably drives like one.

  3. #3

    Zone VI 5x7 Enlarger

    I have heard that the head has had problems. I would check that out before purchase.

  4. #4

    Zone VI 5x7 Enlarger

    As far as I can tell, they are built fine. I own a Zone VI 8x10 cold light that is wonderful to work I just need to buy the darn chassis!

    P.S. If you can, make sure you get the variable contrast model.

  5. #5

    Re: Zone VI 5x7 Enlarger

    I have one of these, a type 2, that was purchased new in 1999, used once period. It has the variable contrast head, 3 different neg carriers, essentially new condition.
    Can anyone tell me how I might place a value on it? I want to just sell it locally, can not pack and ship, and would prefer to avoid the auction fiascos.
    Would love to just set a reasonable price on it and let it go.
    These days, that's difficult to determine, so any input would be helpful.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Re: Zone VI 5x7 Enlarger

    Tyler - I think much depends on your location if you want to sell local. For example, here in Vermont, I'd probably be lucky to get a few hundred for it. In a big city you will do better of course.

    Online they are going for about $800 plus $100 for shipping/packing.

    I recently sold one which I had professionally packed. All I had to do was take it apart and bring it to my local shipping store; no big deal.

    Consider selling the parts individually also.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Zone VI 5x7 Enlarger

    Never used one but I'll put in some general comments. Make sure you understand the difference between the type 1 and 2. Make sure the head you get has the latest mods. Make sure it comes with the carriers you need or you know how to get them.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    May 1999
    Cape Cod MA

    Re: Zone VI 5x7 Enlarger

    I had one with the VC head and didn't like it. It had problems with the balance between the blue and green, too much blue (too high contrast). It took a long time for Calumet to make it right. I now use DeVere Dichro heads on 8x10 and 5x7 enlargers. I like them much more. There are no mixing boxes for the Zone IV so this enlarger should be considered primarily for large format negatives. I had the type I and I have heard that the type II is better.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    St. Louis, Missouri

    Re: Zone VI 5x7 Enlarger

    I have and use a Zone VI type 2 with the longer column. I have had it for several years and love it. It is rock solid. Mine is wall mounted and anchored at the top. I bought the head first and adapted my Beseler 45M to it. That worked pretty well but there were a few drawbacks. It took me a while to get the hang of the variable contrast adjustments but once you have that figured out it works really well.

    I use mine for 4x5 and 5x7. In my opinion, it’s a first class unit, but I know others don’t like them.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Asheville, NC

    Re: Zone VI 5x7 Enlarger

    I owned one of these enlargers a few years back, and it had some maddening problems. As another poster noted, the color balance could be wonky when using the VC head. You really had to ensure that the head had enough warmup time to be consistent. I also found the lack of a glass negative carrier to be a deal stopper with many film sizes. i could never get a print that was sharp corner to corner with 35mm and 120 film... The 5x7 carrier was also glassless and you can imagine the sag that huge piece of film could have. i ended up having a glass carrier fabricated for the enlarger. That worked, but I eventually dumped it completely because of its limitations. It looked pretty and sleek, but has some pretty significant design shortcomings. With enlargers being unloaded by the people going digital, I think I would get a more robust unit like a Saunders or a Durst.

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