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Thread: Film vs. Digital?

  1. #11

    Re: Film vs. Digital?

    I don't see in your article where you really compare film and digital, nor where you compare large format to small. If these really are just tools, as you claim, then you have invalidated any comparison simply by making that statement.

    I do agree with you that cameras are simply tools, and that using them to their capabilities should be the goal. Your article is a nice read, and brings up some good working points in photographic approach. Perhaps a different title is in order, unless you simply picked "film vs. digital" to draw readers to your article.


    Gordon Moat Photography

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Nashville, TN

    Re: Film vs. Digital?

    Jim, I can't get enough of that dead horse animation. Great every time.

    It's starting to feel like mentioning that filmvdigital is like beating a dead horse is like beating a dead horse. We need a graphic of a horse beating the guy beating the horse.
    Will Wilson

  3. #13

    Re: Film vs. Digital?

    I appreciate all the responses, kind and unkind.

    To Jim et al, It was my intention to illuminate the act of discipline through the use of large format, as I demonstrated by the images I put up in the article.

    It seems to me that the actual message, the theme, of my blog post, was misunderstood, or missed completely. And that you also never seemed to consider that this was perhaps the beginning of a string of posts about discipline in photography and not in your words, more “digital versus film crap.” And not to point fingers, but after such a response, one might also wonder if some are so insecure with their own skill sets that posturing was the only response they could muster? I've been shooting large format since the 1970's and still do. And I think my record speaks for itself.

    Since you stated that I used the topic or title to 'drive traffic' as you stated with such eloquence, then why is it I'm here? I still shoot large format... I still appreciate it as an art form, promote it, show it, and for those who choose not to shoot it, or can’t, the article had another purpose, suggesting that photographers be deliberate, to take pause, to trigger your shutter with consideration. I’m confident I’m not the only one who thinks that such a discussion is worth a few column inches.

    I still shoot large format in my fashion, celebrity and personal work as seen in the video links below.

    Dr. Phil Show

    Lock Up / Doing Time in America (Medium format digital was used as a backup for NBC).

    I am very grateful to have worked with, and learned from, many of the great masters that I have, and I took that elite training and harnessed it in my own way.

    I appreciate everyone else for commenting truthfully, and with honest intent.

    Thanks for the kind welcome!

    Jerry Avenaim

  4. #14

    Re: Film vs. Digital?

    like a few other threads here of late, this has turned from an announcement into an ongoing interchange/discussion probably better suited to another forum...
    If it's going to continue can it be moved?
    Tyler... cranky...

  5. #15

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Calgary, Alberta

    Re: Film vs. Digital?

    Dear Jerry,

    I repeat I do not know why you are here, and I agree with Tyler, so I can quickly put this post on ignore...

    jim k

  6. #16
    Scott Brewer
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Film vs. Digital?

    Sorry for the drift.

    For the best version (IMHO) of the "beating a dead horse" video. This is the same as above to music. Hit the link and crank it up!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Frisco, Texas

    Re: Film vs. Digital?


    All of us are large format enthusiasts. You are preaching to the choir.

    Show us something new and unique. Enlighten us, but don't talk down to this group.

    Contemplative photography, not merely burning film but making every shot count, is the hall mark of the large format photographer.

    We have been discussing film vs. digital for years. We're well aware of the pros and cons of those two media.

    Anyhow, welcome to the LF forum. Hope you can add some valuable enlightenment here in the future.

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    San Diego, CA

    Re: Film vs. Digital?

    Very good thoughts. Title, I'll agree with others is a bit misleading. It is rather digital vs film workflow. Also thanks for not including any technical comparisons etc - this will spur rather religious debate, specifically on this site.

    Your article is very good reference point for crowds of digital camera shooters that sums up current state. On other side there are people who only use film and religiously opposing digital in any form - those may benefit from a bit of digital flow also. "Discipline" is rather media in-depended approach.

    Quote Originally Posted by jim kitchen View Post
    Dear Jerry,

    I do liken your trolling exercise to another individual that seems to think that they can propagate increased traffic through your website with a subject title such as yours, by drawing upon the talented souls within this group.
    There's absolutely nothing wrong when people post link to their work. Much worse are internet anonymous and not googlable nicknames. No matter what advise they give, without seeing their work there's little value in their advise ...

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    West coast of Scotland

    Re: Film vs. Digital?

    Digital photography as created a whole new bunch of photographers, too many in my opinion who really wouldnt know where to start with a pinhole, fortunetly I was taught practice with 5x4 film cameras teaches you to make less and less mistakes so that when I go out to do a photograph more often than not I take one shot but spend a long long time setting up the shot, with digital its do tons of shots and choose the best one, I use 35mm digital for quick cheap photography PR/press stuff but 5x4 film for anything worthy of quality

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    San Diego, California

    Re: Film vs. Digital?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Avenaim View Post
    Thank you SO MUCH for that joke video! The over-wrought music, the contrived, Avedon-esque poses, it was PITCH PERFECT satire! I even enjoyed the "wink" at the end where you kind of break character and let us know it's all a big spoof on self-important prison documentaries...

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