I have used the search function on this site and am trying to unravel the plethora of information regarding scanning B+W film and there are so many ways that I am pulling my hair out just to get started!

First off, I am not new to scanning prints but have limited experience scanning film, and need to get a starting point for scanning pyrocat developed negs that I can work from.

I have an Epson 750MPro with Silverfast AI, and Vuescan. Both have been great for scanning prints, but I am completely out of my depth in using them on film.

I have some basic knowledge (enough to be dangerous :-) ). So I have 4x5 negs mounted in the standard film holders (not better scanning holders yet) I have heard both sides on whether to put the film emulsion side up, or emulsion side down, but do not know what is best to be honest. Anyone care to answer that? I want to preserve as much detail as I can for printing (no printer yet) but I scan for being able to print up to 16x20, and will resize files for anything smaller than that.

As for scanning parameters, I turned off all filtration, all sharpening, anything that could interfere with the image.

I scan in 16bit grayscale mode at 2400dpi and save to .TIF Would using the multiple pass feature on both SF, and VS be of benefit? Or is this primarily for scanning color work?

I have heard that scanning in color then filtering all but the green channel is another approach for Pyro or stained negatives? How do I set parameters for that? Or do I just scan in RGB color, and turn the red and blue channels down in photoshop post scan? Apologies for all these questions, but it's something I know I need to learn. Am I offbase with my approach? I appreciate any assistance!
