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Thread: Foto3 contest and traditional/conceptual divide

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Re: Foto3 - Competition/Website Disclaimer

    Many of the winners were digital submissions and there were not any prints. We gave the entrants the opportunity to send in prints or digital submissions. This made it more difficult for the judges but they took a lot of time. The judging took almost 8 hours to carefully go through the entrants over and over again to make sure they were fair to everyone.

    I have shown the winner, given the judges names, etc. We followed the rules as we stated them as as people agreed to when they entered.

    If people wanted this from the contest they should have said something ahead of time. Again, we never promised this.

    In deference to this group, we will put the three winners up on the web site. This will take a little time and again, is more than we committed to doing.

    Again, 200+ people came and enjoyed themselves.

    steve simmons

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Re: Foto3 - Competition/Website Disclaimer

    perhaps the whole point is to buy his magazine to see who won.

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Re: Foto3 - Competition/Website Disclaimer

    perhaps the whole point is to buy his magazine to see who won.

    Here is what I just said in post #30
    In deference to this group, we will put the three winners up on the web site. This will take a little time and again, is more than we committed to doing.


  4. #24
    Going to Tijuana soon...
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: Foto3 - Competition/Website Disclaimer

    So Steve is protecting the feelings of all the people who entered the contest, but didn't win by not showing the winning images. He's keeping the names of the winners secret because the rules never said he had to publish their names.

    Steve is a compassionate, caring guy who tries his best to live by the rules.

    And when push comes to shove...

    See waht he said in post #30

  5. #25

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Re: Foto3 - Competition/Website Disclaimer

    Please reads posts #'s 30 and 32.


  6. #26
    Stephen Willard's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Fort Collins, Colorado

    Re: Foto3 - Competition/Website Disclaimer

    Kirk, the bottom line is that Steve Simmons sold out his constituents, and he knows it. That is why he did not announce nor present any of the winning work at the photo 3 conference. He new if he did there would be a lot of pissed of participants. Most of the work submitted was traditional in some way or form, but he gave the prize to a "junket" conceptual artist.

    Kirk, even you are negatively impacted by this. I do not believe you could become a tenured professor simply because there are no venues that would appreciate or accept your amazing body of work. There are a lot of guys out there who are doing amazing things with traditional photography and there is no infrastructure in place to recognize their achievements. Q.-Tuan Luong, yourself, and many others are unfairly and unjustly isolated and ignored. These people are truly "emerging" because their work would stand up to real world markets and are just as viable as an art form of the so called top 50 emerging "junket" conceptual artists. Please note that "junket" is used as a derogatory term meaning junk.

    I am hoping to convince people who own this website and APUG to start supporting truly democratic photographic competitions with the community at large voting on the winners. I would like them not based on a few photographs, but more like portfolio competitions in hopes of identifying the truly gifted photographers. You could only vote and compete in the competitions if you are a paying member for $30 annual membership fee. There would be a $30-$50 entry fee for the competitions. Every 100 entries would generate $5,000 in revenue plus membership fees. It would be a great revenue generator for the websites which I would be more than happy to support. The members could help find galleries around the world for winning members to exhibit at, and I am sure we could find publishers who would be willing to publish the results of these competitions.

    I believe that ethical competitions of this nature that are portfolio oriented and democratic in nature could gain international recognition and respect very quickly with perhaps thousands of entries. This site would be dedicated to large format. APUG would be dedicated to traditional photography. APUG currently has much of this infrastructure in place to facilitate this. Winners would have to submit real prints to validate that their craftsmanship and that the prints match the JPEGs. It cannot be just a JPEG competition, and you could have specific competitions ranging from traditional landscape to portraits. Winners could compete as often as they want, but would be barred from using previous winning images. Voters could only vote for one portfolio and not their own. Voters could leave feedback for as many portfolios as they want. This would be a big plus to help participants get better and learn from the experience. Imagine that, real feedback!

    I know this sound like foolish pie in the sky, but it has merit, and I think the photographic community is starved for something like this. I know I am sick of getting ripped off, and I believe that their are many others who feel the same way.

    I do not have the time to champion this effort at this moment because I will be leaving for my summer shoot with my llamas shortly and will not be back until mid August. At that time, if I am not backlogged with orders to fill, I hope to start a number of threads and postings about this issue with the hopes of getting something like this going.

  7. #27

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Re: Foto3 contest and traditional/conceptual divide

    That is why he did not announce nor present any of the winning work at the photo 3 conference.

    The Grand Prize winner was on the conference program guide and there were 500 copies given out at the conference.

    We had several very traditional photographers on the program.

    View Camera shows a lot of traditional work.

    steve simmons

  8. #28
    Founder QT Luong's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 1997
    San Jose, CA

    Re: Foto3 - Competition/Website Disclaimer

    > Q.-Tuan Luong, yourself, and many others are unfairly and unjustly isolated and ignored.

    As for myself, so far I haven't even tried to get my name out (all I did was geared towards ensuring a good income from photography in the short term). On the other hand, I am not sure how you can say that of Kirk, who has been exhibited in a number of prestigious venues.

    > I am hoping to convince people who own this website and APUG to start supporting truly democratic photographic competitions with the community at large voting on the winners.

    Isn't it done in all the photo ratings sites, such as ? Some great images have indeed emerged from there, but over the years they have also ran on a large number of issues and abuses, to the point that we resisted having even a photo critique subforum.

    > You could only vote and compete in the competitions if you are a paying member for $30 annual membership fee. There would be a $30-$50 entry fee for the competitions. Every 100 entries would generate $5,000 in revenue plus membership fees. It would be a great revenue generator for the websites which I would be more than happy to support.

    This site has been very reluctant to engage into any activities that involve money. In fact, last week Ralph even turned down a proposed donation.

  9. #29

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Re: Foto3 contest and traditional/conceptual divide


    the grand prize photo was made with a 35mm film camera and printed traditionally.

    as selected by the judges

    steve simmons

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Asheville, NC

    Re: Foto3 contest and traditional/conceptual divide

    I dug out the Foto 3 conference event brochure from my briefcase. Fortunately, there had not been enough time for the xerox toner to turn itself into glue. So here is a scan of the winning photograph from the conference materials. The scan is reasonably representative of the xerox original handed out to everyone.


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