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Thread: Used pro flatbeds - who are they ?

  1. #31

    Join Date
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    Germany, Aalen

    Re: Used pro flatbeds - who are they ?

    On the older Creo and Scitex, some of them are capable of greater scans per hour than others. In a production environment, this can be important. I think for your needs, you can get away with a lesser specification, and save a bit of money.
    Gordon, thank you for a detailled information. Could you maybe mention a few of older scanners that you have in mind ?

  2. #32
    Peter De Smidt's Avatar
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    Re: Used pro flatbeds - who are they ?

    When Ted sends you the Seybold report, there will be a number of other scanners listed.

  3. #33
    Scott Rosenberg's Avatar
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    Re: Used pro flatbeds - who are they ?


    i also recently picked up a screen cezanne, and while i am still just getting familiar with it, i am extremely impressed with it's capabilities. it will, without question, be the last scanner i will ever need. i still use my polaroid sprintscan 45 ultra for quick web scanning, but for printing, the cezanne has eliminated the need for sending out for drum scans.

    in tests i conducted (supports what you'll read in the seybold comparison, which i can send you if you have trouble reaching ted), my cezanne yielded better scans than a creo eversmart pro II and was comparable to the tango drum scan. they are big, but are designed and built to a standard one would expect on a unit that sells in the mid 5 figures when new.

    as peter mentioned above, the resolution is limited by the width of the scan, but if you're working with 4x5, you can scan at 4000 dpi in two 2" wide passes and have enough information to print a billboard. this really is not a hassle at all, as you can work in batch mode, so it's merely a matter of setting up the two scans, sending them to the job queue, and hitting go. the software will then make both scans. assemblimg the 2 files into one takes seconds in photoshop, as the alignment is always perfect. it's really no trouble at all, if you should ever need to print that large and don't want to use interpolation.

    i bought an older power mac G4 to drive the cezanne, which is really nice, as i can have that computer dedicated to scanning while i edit files on my primary computer. files are ftp'd from one to the other, so it's really quite seamless.

    for what they sell on the used market, i can't imagine why anyone would consider dropping nearly $1k on a prosumer unit - there is simply no comparison between high-end flat beds and prosumer units. they are simply in an entirely different class.

  4. #34

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    Re: Used pro flatbeds - who are they ?

    Quote Originally Posted by joolsb View Post

    Does this mean that oXYgen is now compatible with Intel Macs?

    If I was to get an IQSmart1 and then scan a 5x4 in two strips to get extra res, how easy would this be and would there then be much advantage to paying the hefty premium for an IQSmart2?
    I don't know if oXYgen works with Intel Macs. You could probably get that information from Creo/Kodak.

    Not sure why you would need to stitch 5X4 scans with the IQSmart1? It has resolution of 3200 spi and I assumed that would be all over the bed as with the EverSmart scanners.


  5. #35

    Re: Used pro flatbeds - who are they ?

    I will spend time this week working with the Cezanne. I just spent the last 3 weeks getting inside CS2/3 and the ipf5100. One thing for sure, there's no shortage of things to do when it comes to digital imaging and photography. Scott and Peter, thanks for the inspiration to get deeper into the Cezanne. I'll keep you posted if I learn anything new that may be of interest to either of you.

  6. #36

    Re: Used pro flatbeds - who are they ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Matus Kalisky View Post
    Gordon, thank you for a detailled information. Could you maybe mention a few of older scanners that you have in mind ?

    Check through here, even though you are in Germany, and you can see a few, some with a brochure in PDF for download. The EverSmart Pro and Pro II are quite good, and I would choose either over an iQSmart 1. I think any of the Screen Cezanne models are a good choice, though only if they have the full package included. Last of recommendations would be a Fuji FineScan 2750 or 5000, though again only with software included.

    You can get by with a Heidelberg, AGFA, or UMAX, but software is a big issue. The other thing is that if it breaks, parts are very hard to get . . . almost a throw-away scanner at that point. So if you find a refurbished unit, then maybe, but avoid used ones. Also, you need to price SilverFast, because the older software just is not that good to work with and locks you into very old computers. I don't think I would spend over $1000 for any of these, including price of software, and that includes the big units like the Heidelberg Topaz.


    Gordon Moat Photography

  7. #37

    Join Date
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    Re: Used pro flatbeds - who are they ?

    So how much are these new Eversmarts? (Bracing myself...)

  8. #38

    Join Date
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    Re: Used pro flatbeds - who are they ?

    Not sure why you would need to stitch 5X4 scans with the IQSmart1? It has resolution of 3200 spi and I assumed that would be all over the bed as with the EverSmart scanners.
    The snag with the IQSmart1 is that it doesn't have the XY-Stitch facility of the more expensive models so resolution for 5x4 is limited to 2100 spi, hence the question.

  9. #39
    Ted Harris's Avatar
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    Re: Used pro flatbeds - who are they ?

    Quote Originally Posted by sanking View Post
    I don't know if oXYgen works with Intel Macs.
    Yes, oXYgen runs on Intel Macs.

    As for prices on the IQ2 and IQ3. The 2 is ~ 10K and the 3 is ~ 19K. Both these prices reflect a rebate (2K on the 2 and 2.5K on the 3). This rebate is available from select North American dealers who do a reasonable volume of business with the scanners. Jim at Midwest is one of these dealers. The rebates will not last forever but they have now been extended several months. Again, I know the rebates are right but don't know the exact sale prices. I do know that Jim's are the best you will find.

  10. #40

    Join Date
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    Germany, Aalen

    Re: Used pro flatbeds - who are they ?

    Thanks for all your replies.

    - Ted -

    thank you for the Report. You say the oXYgen works under intel macs. So it sounds as the EverSmart Pro || would be the best choice followd by Cezanne and EverSmart Pro. Also - do I understand it correctly that the "Pro II" version goes via firewire ?


    I have seen some EverSmart Pro on sale for 3500 euro, Pro II for 4500 and Cezanne for about 3500. Does this sounds right (given that all the necessary accessories are along) ?

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