I'm an architect and sometimes I take picture of architectures and landscapes (b ut itsn't my main job), mainly for publishing, with a ligth Tachihara 4x5 (even if I use very often smaller format on rollfilm -6x7), so I need a light equipmen t, but with the best quality and resolution that I can afford.

Until now I was working with a new Rodenstock 55/4.5, an old SA 75/8 (very old, almost like me... and with a very small image circle), a very very old SA 90/8 ( with a terrible shutter...), a new AS 180/5.6 and a new Nikkor M 300/9. I'd like to add a SS 120 HM. I'm in doubt if is a good idea, for my main kind of photos (achitecture and land scape), change both the SA with a new and light SS 80 XL.

Before the Schneider announcement I was thinking to change them with new ApoGran dagon lenses....

Someone can help me?

Good wishes to everybody from Italy.