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Thread: Screen Cezanne FT s5000 scanner

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Screen Cezanne FT s5000 scanner

    I was wondering if anyone can advise me as to whether the cezanne fts5000 scanner would be a good scanner choice for me. I am shooting 4"x5" negs and need to enlarge them to 24 inch width. I am printing with an epson 7800?
    I heard tell that Ted Harris might know?

  2. #2

    Re: Screen Cezanne FT s5000 scanner

    I have the 5500 and yes it is a quality scanner

  3. #3
    Peter De Smidt's Avatar
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    Fond du Lac, WI, USA

    Re: Screen Cezanne FT s5000 scanner

    I have one as well, and I agree with Joe. There's a Yahoo high end scanning group. They have brochures for the scanner and a copy of the Seybold report, a comparison review that rated the Cezanne very highly, in their "files" section. The issues with a Cezanne are mainly that they are big, expensive, and oldish. Screen still supports them, well kinda anyway. Parts are very expensive, and unless you have ColorGeniusEX 2.0 or greater and the right scsi card, you'll have to run on a G4 in OS 9.

  4. #4
    Ted Harris's Avatar
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    Re: Screen Cezanne FT s5000 scanner

    Howard, as both Joe and Peter know, I run one of these scanners and advised them in the purchase of theirs. The simple answer to your question is, yes, it is a good choice assuming the scanner is in top operating condition. If you need repairs or service or replacement parts then you could be looking at high additional expenditures. Remember this scanner costs over $20K new. It is also not the only choice.

    If you are shopping used you can usually find a Cezanne for under $5K and sometimes much less. There are also a number of older Scitex/Creo scanners worth considering and some older drums that are often available under $2K; again the caveats on repair and parts. If you are shopping new then the most sensible machine to look at is likely the Kodak/Creo IQsmart 2 which is in the range of $10K with current rebates.

    If you want more information send me an email or PM with your phone number so we can discuss at more length since there are many "It depends ..." involved. I can also send you a copy of the referenced Seybold report.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Screen Cezanne FT s5000 scanner

    Ted - I did not get your email, please try again. I would love to see the evaluation you mentioned sending.

  6. #6
    Peter De Smidt's Avatar
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    Fond du Lac, WI, USA

    Re: Screen Cezanne FT s5000 scanner

    Ted is really the knowledgeable person here. Personally, I've only had my scanner for about 2 weeks. I have made a number of scans, and they look very good. I'm using a really old G4 450 Sawtooth computer, and it takes a really long time to process the images.



    The Seybold report on scanners is in the "files" section.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Screen Cezanne FT s5000 scanner

    After reading several encouraging posts and reports about the Cezanne I received a message from a fine art printer and scanner who makes his living handling printing for fine artists, warning me not to buy a flatbed.
    A good drum scanner, he stated, will always noticeable out perform in sharpness and noise, any flatbed.
    I used to have access to a screen 1045 drum, it made beautiful scans!
    Is the flatbed good enough? Or just an easy compromise?
    Wish I knew.

  8. #8

    Re: Screen Cezanne FT s5000 scanner

    was it Lenny Eiger? - you will find that some drum people will never find acceptable quality from a flatbed - I get great results from mine but then again I have no intention of printing 100' murals at 300dpi

  9. #9
    Saratoga, CA
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Re: Screen Cezanne FT s5000 scanner

    Why don't you pay Ted or someone else with a Cezanne to scan one of your typical transparencies then send the same piece of film to someone like Lenny for a good drum scan? These flatbed vs. drum scanner debates have been going on for years but deciding what is best for your needs is your decision.


  10. #10

    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Re: Screen Cezanne FT s5000 scanner

    I know this is a question asked before but , i'm new to this forum .

    I'll be blunt. I need a serial for color genius V2 for my screen cezanne elite. My G4 crashed and i have no serial on any cd cover.. i want to install it on a new G4 but can't run it without a serial. My old hard drive is broken so i can't get it of of there either.... who can help me, I'm desperate

    Edwin from Amsterdam
    Last edited by reddie247; 29-Sep-2015 at 05:41. Reason: spelling

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