I have been working on my techniques for sharp focus using similar methods to th ose listed on the Large Format homepage. Reviewing my photos from the warmer mo nths, I think the most common problem I've had is having the foreground and back ground in sharp focus, but the mid-ground is often less than sharp. I've often tried to squeeze an f22 setting when I probably should have used even an smaller f stop. This under the belief that the smaller f-stops would significantly red uce my image sharpness. I was rather surprized to read that John Sexton used f3 2 in 50% of his shots in Listen to the Trees and f45 in 20%. I believe that the technical nature of this question is covered in Q-Tuan's article on "How to Sel ect the F-Stop". I guess I'm wondering what is common practice and how successf ul the results have been. I tend to use a 16X20 enlargement as my print size st andard for sharpness. Thoughts appreciated.