Hello Guru's, I'd like to take advantage of my Sinar F1 4x5 system to take a test dive into 5x7 format.
Let's say it will be just occasional landscape b&w shooting and contact printing, so I'm looking for a "cheap" solution.
First I saw the Sinar 4x5-to-5x7 conversion kit does not fit the F-type standard, so I should buy a P-type rear standard, is it right?
In case i find a P front standard only, would it be usable as a rear with just the knobs on the wrong side?

The other opportunity I'm considering in a more shy manner is to buy a 5x7 field camera: the issue here is I would like to use the same lensboards of my Sinar, maybe some other accessories too if possible.
Is there a field 5x7 view camera with a 4x5 reducing back you can suggest?

thank you in advance