Some time back, I got a 5 1/2 inch by 500 foot roll of this stuff, unopened, put it in the fridge, and pretty much forgot about it. I have now got "plenty" of time to do something with it, and..
Has anybody ever tried any of this to cut and shoot with? It is Kodak #2422.
OR.. does anybody have any interest in it? I "might" be persuaded to put it in FS/FT if anybody has tried it, or likes it, or is interested in it. Here is Kodak's link to the data sheet.
Otherwise, am getting ready to butcher it up into 5X7 and try shooting some of it.
I thought I would start out at about ASA 3, and go from there, souped in D-19 or Tetanal.
Any other suggestions or ideas?