I hate the current state of sheet film. This thin emulsion, sharp, but not juicy, film we are all forced to use - because every company has decided this is what people want to use. I guess I am not "all people."

Now, before you all start - many of us will disagree on what kind of print we want to make. I know some of you love TMX, but I think its pure unadulterated garbage, unsuited for my purposes (might be great for yours). I am very experienced, I know all about different developers, their components and film and what they do. I have been using Efke and a little FP4 and souping in D-23. Results all over the board.

I want smooth and luscious, like the Tri-X of old (FP4 in its original state was great also). Since none of this is available, I am wondering if any of you have tried XRay film - I figure it's likely to have a lot of silver. There was an older film called Graphic Arts film that had tons of it as well. Are there other specialty use films that anyone that has had experience with them can suggest? And where do you get this stuff?

Please don't tell me to use Pyrocat or other developers, or film from China. I've already tried all that, I know what it does and doesn't do. I'm really curious about specialty films and if anyone has had any positive experience. Thanks in advance.
