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Thread: Need an overview of what JOBO has to offer

  1. #1

    Need an overview of what JOBO has to offer

    New to large format, own a digital print shop but could never get enough resolution for large projects (we see a lot of digital people going to large format film for this reason). We're shooting 4x5 color and want to start developing in the shop. We're doing B&W now in Combi tanks with no problems. We do have a dedicated darkroom but love daylight technology. Research shows JOBO is the obvious answer. We've been trying to research all about various JOBO products, but have only been able to find bits and pieces. It's like the three blind guys who had to go out and feel up this large critter, then tell each other what they felt -- and eventually it turns out to be an elephant. We're looking for a clear, simple overview of the various JOBO systems and components. We want to do E-6, but maybe in the future C-41. Our volume will be small, maybe 20-40 sheets/wk., but we like as much automation as we can get. We see all kinds of references to all kinds of drums, lifts, processors, CPE, CPP, you name it. The JOBO site seems as though it's trying to keep folks from learning about its products. Can anyone just sort of spell out what we are most likely to need? At least that will give us a starting point to do more research. Thanks in advance. We've been trying to sort this out off and on for a week, and all we seem to know is that we want some kind of jobo system.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Re: Need an overview of what JOBO has to offer

    How many sheets per run?

    The ATL processors have the most automation. OTOH I'm not sure if any are available new. The smallest one I don't think can take Expert drums.

    You'll need some sort of processor. Big enough to handle the biggest drum you intend to use.

    You'll need at least one drum.

    If you go with the 2500 tanks you'll need at least one reel that matches the formats you need. The Expert drums don't need reels.

    If you're buying new I'm not sure you've got much choice in terms of processors. If buying used it's always about getting what you can find. Drums and tanks still seem plentiful on the new market.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Rondo, Missouri

    Re: Need an overview of what JOBO has to offer

    B&H lists the CPP2 and CPE1 as in stock and available. For a mere $12K you can special order an ATL2500 and get it in an undisclosed time. The CPP, new, is listed at a few sheckles under 3500, with the CPE at under 800. However, as noted earlier, Jobo states that you cannot use the Expert drums with the CPE. I have a CPA which I picked up used for a couple of hundred that servers quite well. You see occasional good deals pop up if you're patient. For drums, I bought new Expert 3007 and 3006 from Badger for $271.00. Couldn't see the point in paying damn near that much for used ones that might have cracked seams or lids from banging them on counter tops to remove them.
    Michael W. Graves
    Michael's Pub

    If it ain't broke....don't fix it!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Westchester County, New York

    Re: Need an overview of what JOBO has to offer

  5. #5
    Ted Harris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    New Hampshire

    Re: Need an overview of what JOBO has to offer

    For a commercial operation you will want one of the 2xxx series. From what you wrote it sounds to me like you would be best served with the ATL 2300 which allows you to run two separate sets of chemicals. Each processing line can be run independently although you can only run one at a time. Using expert drums you can process 10 sheets of 4x5 film at a time. I run my ATL2300 with one of thge processing lines dedicated to B&W and the other to E6. If I have a lot of E6 to run then I flush the B&W line so I can run E6 in both lines. I run the front line, replace the drum and run the back line. WhileI am running the back line I replace the chemistry in the front line and keep going till I have finished all my film.

    JOBO is not, however, the only way to go. In fact, given the current state of the US Dsitributer, Omega Satter, which doesn't seem to ahve its act togther I am not evensure I would recommend JOBO as the best solution. There are two others to consider and both are US made and easy to deal with. One is Wing-Lynch (Ross Products) and the other Phototherm.

    If I were buying a processing unit today it would almost certainly be a Phototherm rather than a JOBO.

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