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Thread: Ansel Adams

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2000

    Ansel Adams

    Hello all, I need to write a short copy concerning Ansel Adam's favorite cameras or at lea st the camera he used most often. Since time is running out to go to the library or searching old posted messages, all I need is the brand of his camera(s). Any knowledgeable people out there can help me please?. Thanks a lot in advance.

  2. #2

    Ansel Adams

    Hasselblad, Contax, Ansco, Kodak Commercial B, Horseman, the famous Zeis Juwel, at least one Deardorff.....

    Get a copy of "Examples, the Making of 40 Photographs"

  3. #3

    Ansel Adams

    p.s. Do I get credit in a citation? It's gonna look kinda wierd to say "...some guy on the net wrote...."

    for the record, pg. 15 ISBN 082121750x

    "In the early 30's my excursions were more cautious, and I used my camera with serious intent. My cameras of that period were 4 X 5 Korona View, 5 X 7 and 3.25 X 4.25 Zeis Juwels, 5 X 7 Linhof, 5 X 7 Deardorff, 4 X 5 speed Graphic, 2.25 X 2.25 Zeiss Super-Ikonta B and a 35mm COntax - not all possessed at one time!"

    I also now recall seeing a self-portrait of him with a Century Universal

  4. #4
    Kevin Kolosky
    Join Date
    Jun 1999

    Ansel Adams

    yes, Adams started using century universal a bit more after he became close to Edward Weston as Edward Weston used century universal in 8 x 10 and graflex super d in 5 x 7. Plus of course the other cameras as mentioned.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Forest Grove, Ore.

    Ansel Adams

    While I've never met AA, I've read a lot about him. I'll hazard the following, and others can make corrections.

    35mm: Zeiss-Contax.

    Medium: Clearly a Hasselblad. I believe his outfit was on permanent loan to him. (I think from Hasselblad, but I'm not sure.) I know it was auctioned off within the last few years for a worthy cause.

    4x5: Sinar P. For example, he used this camera for his Aspen tree photo.

    8x10: A Deardorff with a modified front.

    Polaroid: An SX-70! His SX-70 received pretty good press in his Polaroid book.

    I know when asked one time what camera he used, he responded that he used the heaviest camera he could carry!

    A good source for your information would probably be Rod Dresser. If not today, at one time he was the business manager for the AA trust. Check Carmel, CA. for his phone/address. Or, you can reach him through the Weston Gallery in Carmel.

  6. #6

    Ansel Adams

    I never met A.A. either. And I'm not a member of A.A.

    or A.A.A.

    I don't even have an M.A. I once saw an A.A. gun though.

    Anyway, the two most famous A.A. Aspens were shot with an 8 X 10. I think you wouldn't be too far off the mark to say that Adams owned/used/borrowed one of almost any camera you can think of at one time or another. Anyone have any shots of him with an Argus C-3?

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jun 2000

    Ansel Adams


    Thanks you all for the infos on A.A. camera's. I will let you know when and where the copy will be published if approved by the editor. You all are great help. Thanks again.

  8. #8

    Ansel Adams

    Also Kodak Medalist. At the time he felt this camera had many superior qualities that might be considered by contempory manufacturers. Regards,

  9. #9

    Ansel Adams

    Edward Weston used century universal in 8 x 10 and graflex super d in 5 x 7. -- kevin kolosky (, August 24, 2000.

    You sure about that Kev? I know Weston had a 2.25 X 3.25 and a 4 X 5 Graflex, but I've seen no citations on a 5 X 7. Did Graflex even make a 5 X 7 Super D? I know Strand used a 5 X 7 Graflex. What's your source?

  10. #10

    Ansel Adams

    My mistake, that was a 3.25 X 4.25 Graflex for E'dard

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