I'm currently using a Super Graphic and while I generally like it for its portability, I really wish it had geared movements (which I got used to using loaned Cambo and Sinar cameras). Is there such thing as a portable field camera with geared movements? If so, what price range are they usually?

Second question, how portable is a Sinar F2? My only experience with Sinar is a one day use of a P2 and it didn't seem all that portable to me. I'm not looking to backpack with it, but I do tend to shoot portraits and lifestyle subjects mostly, so I'm looking to have it easily moved from place to place while it's attached to a tripod (Manfrotto 475B). I shoot DSLR for a lot of my commissioned work, but would like to start incorporating LF for a new look/experience/challenge (also use an RZ67 for my film work).