I knew better than to go out shooting with a new film without testing it myself. But a box of Efke 100 had just arrived by Fed Ex, and I found out I was going on a trip to Missouri with virtually no notice. All of my film holders were empty, so I loaded up the Efke the night before the trip and read as many posts about the film as I could. There seemed to be a general consensus that the film gave good results at EI50 when developed in PMK. So that's what I did. Unfortunately I didn't read about reciprocity because I rarely photograph in conditions that cause it to raise its ugly head. So there I was, in an old farmers metal shed gazing at this beautiful car. The battery had been stolen so he couldn't move it out into the light. To get f45, the exposure meter was reading 4 seconds. Didn't have a clue what to really give it, so I used my grandfathers "seat of the pants" method. I guessed. f45 at 30 seconds. This is what I got.