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Thread: Is Arista EDU Ultra 400 ISO 8x10 any good?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Is Arista EDU Ultra 400 ISO 8x10 any good?


    I would like to try to photograph with an 8x10 camera. I know there are lots of reasons not to even try but I really like the idea. I see Tri-X film is $179.00 for only 10 sheets. Arista EDU Ultra 400 can be bought for much less. It is $249.99 for 50 sheets but I do not know if it is any good. Nor do I know if I need to pull it like I do Tri-x. Does anyone out there have any advice? Please let me know what you think? I am curious what type of film most people are shooting with today.

  2. #2
    jp's Avatar
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    Re: Is Arista EDU Ultra 400 ISO 8x10 any good?

    For similar $, I'd try the Catlabs or Bergger Pancro film over Arista/Foma.
    For lesser $ you could get some X-ray film.

    I have in my freezer Xray film and Tmax400. It would be a hard sell now for the Tmax at >$20/sheet since I paid $6-10/sheet when Kodak wasn't doing so well.

  3. #3
    Maris Rusis's Avatar
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    Re: Is Arista EDU Ultra 400 ISO 8x10 any good?

    Storm Blown Poplar, Lake Jindabyne
    Gelatin-silver photograph on Ultrafine Silver Eagle VC FB photographic paper, image size 24.7cm X 19.5cm, from a 8x10 Arista EDU Ultra 400 negative
    exposed at EI=200 in a Tachihara 810HD field view camera fitted with a Fujinon-W 300mm f5.6 lens.

    Arista EDU Ultra 400 is essentially a good conventional film that delivers all the sharpness and lack of grain that you would expect from the 8x10 format.
    I think it is not really a 400 speed film, more like 200 in my experience, but still usefully fast compared to Kodak Tmax 400.
    Photography:first utterance. Sir John Herschel, 14 March 1839 at the Royal Society. "...Photography or the application of the Chemical rays of light to the purpose of pictorial representation,..".

  4. #4
    Drew Wiley
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    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Is Arista EDU Ultra 400 ISO 8x10 any good?

    I works OK, and is acceptable for learning purposes. They call it EDU (Educational) for a reason. I don't regard it in the same league the films which Kodak and Ilford offer; but if affordability is your priority, you can certainly make it work. When I tried Arista/Foma "400", I wisely rated it at 200 instead. Otherwise, it's a medium toe film like Tri-X, but with different grain structure. And it's compatible with most common film developers.

  5. #5

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    West Coast

    Re: Is Arista EDU Ultra 400 ISO 8x10 any good?

    Quote Originally Posted by jp View Post
    For similar $, I'd try the Catlabs or Bergger Pancro film over Arista/Foma.
    CatLabs IS Fomapan, and Bergger Pancro hasn’t been seen in three years. Bergger doesn’t reply to email asking about sheet film sizes, so I suspect the product us dead and gone. It was certainly superior to the rest of the “discount” films.

  6. #6

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    Jan 2021

    Re: Is Arista EDU Ultra 400 ISO 8x10 any good?

    Quote Originally Posted by paulbarden View Post
    CatLabs IS Fomapan, and Bergger Pancro hasn’t been seen in three years. Bergger doesn’t reply to email asking about sheet film sizes, so I suspect the product us dead and gone. It was certainly superior to the rest of the “discount” films.
    Ah, I won't look for the Berger film then. I currently use Fomapan 100 and 400 and have a box of 200 yet to open. I'm happy with both, but staring to like the 100 more.

  7. #7

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    Jan 2021

    Re: Is Arista EDU Ultra 400 ISO 8x10 any good?

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
    I works OK, and is acceptable for learning purposes. They call it EDU (Educational) for a reason.
    It's not sold as EDU everywhere, only the USA.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Re: Is Arista EDU Ultra 400 ISO 8x10 any good?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaughan View Post
    It's not sold as EDU everywhere, only the USA.
    marketed it to students taking photography classes ?

  9. #9
    Drew Wiley
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    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Is Arista EDU Ultra 400 ISO 8x10 any good?

    Potentially to classes. Arista EDU is of course a Freestyle product, and they have a sales division specifically for sake of institutions and commercial users. EDU implies student affordability; and that is still apparently a viable market.
    I don't know how many darkroom classes have started back up here in northern CA following the pandemic. But there were several active ones in this area right up to it, plus a few college opportunities still going. I don't keep much track of that, but have been asked to teach in one post-pandemic venue. It turned it down; have too much to do already. And there has been ongoing interest by students even in 8x10 format, since they can contact print it, or use it for experimenting with alternate processes. 8X10 cameras and holders which turn up at the used counter at the local camera store seem to sell out pretty fast.

  10. #10

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    Seattle area, WA

    Re: Is Arista EDU Ultra 400 ISO 8x10 any good?

    I've read that the anti-halation layer on Arista/Foma pans isn't as good as Kodak/Ilford and it can be obvious in certain lighting conditions. Have I noticed it myself? Not really. I use it mostly on 120 though.

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