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Thread: Beseler PM2L color analyzer

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2023

    Beseler PM2L color analyzer


    So I just got a Beseler PM2L color analyzer for my Durst m601 color head enlarger. The analyzer instructions say it needs a Color Integrator to use the Integrated analyzing for the PM2L. Otherwise, it's just good for spot analyzing (particular color in negative underneath the probe). My question is, is the Sivobox (color mixing Diffusion box) for Durst the same thing really? or would I need the Beseler Color Integrator? In that case, I don't think I could use that function since I have a Durst. But, I could still do spotting analyzing. Does anyone know off-hand? Here is a link to the integrator for Beseler:

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Beseler PM2L color analyzer

    The item you show is for the Dual Dichro color head for the 23C enlarger lamp house. The term "Intergrator" has several uses. One definition of intergrator is a diffuser, some color analyzers work with the image diffused when setting the color calibration. It has been 30 years since I used my PM2L, I gave up on using it for color calibration, I found that a few test strips were just as quick but that is just me.

  3. #3
    Ironage's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Wichita, KS

    Re: Beseler PM2L color analyzer

    I too have recently purchased a PM2L and after reading the instructions and using it with the spot I immediately realized its potential to save paper, chemicals and time while printing. Now I am in the process of refining my use of the analyzer.

    What I have been able to glean from the internet is that the integrater is indeed a diffuser used between the lens and the paper that when used is like an averaging meter in a camera. I can’t imaging this being particularly helpful with color, because different subjects have different colors. It seems to me that taking an exposure of a grey card, and spot metering that with the analyzer would be the most helpful and accurate way of making readings.

    My intention is to use an integrater for B&W snapshots make with a pocket 110 camera. This way I can quickly print a roll. I found a diffuser in a Kodak slide projector that I hope to use in the filter drawer of my enlarger. Here is a picture.

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