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Thread: 90mm Lens Choice Paralysis

  1. #1

    90mm Lens Choice Paralysis

    I'm looking for a 90 for my Linhof Tech V, and given that pretty much all the lenses are relatively cheap, and we have the whole history of photography from which to choose, I'm a bit paralyzed by it.

    1. I have this crazy idea that I'd like to hand hold. I have a cam (I know it's not matched but I think it should be ok for distant to medium range subjects based on my testing with my 135mm).
    2. I have a 5x7 camera too which tells me maybe the Caltar/Rodenstock 90/6.8 is the one to get.
    3. The 4.5 90s probably will have a brighter projected image though, which is nice!
    4. Maybe the older 90/8 Schneider's with the chrome front element would be perfectly fine, they're cheaper!

    I probably don't want to go too old like those 90/6,8 Angulons. They're very compact but I don't think the performance is quite there vs the larger later designs.

    I just got the external zoom viewfinder for my Tech V and this is all coming from the fact that it has a 90mm setting as its widest point. If it's there I should use it!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula

    Re: 90mm Lens Choice Paralysis

    My experience with handheld LF is Graphics... and the best soution seems to always be whatever was native and contemporary with the camera. Might be true with Linhof.

    When not handholding, the range of ooptions gets much bigger. I'd concur that the old 6.8/90's aren't as good as the more modern lenses. the 5.6 and 4.5 options are heavy. I got a good deal on a Suuer Angulon 5.6/90 but its so big and heavy that I rarely want to use it. Had I been thinking with my brain rather than wallet, I would have gone for a f8/90. And I'd go for the newest one that I could afford.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Newbury, Vermont

    Re: 90mm Lens Choice Paralysis

    Avid 5x7 user here...and although I've recently pressed a 110mm XL into service for this format - I've also had great luck with my 90mm f/6.8 Rodenstock Grandagon-N...keeping in mind that if axial movements are employed, it then might (depending on the extent of such movements) become necessary to combine these with a bit of rise or fall to keep the image circle as centered as possible.

  4. #4

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    El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula

    Re: 90mm Lens Choice Paralysis

    Hi John... hopefully not too off-topic, but do you use a center filter? Is there a profound benefit to using one with a 90?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: 90mm Lens Choice Paralysis

    I have a Linhof Technika IV and it came with a Schneider 90 f8 Super Angulon, Linhoff branded, with a 00 shutter in a recessed board. The lens is quite good, but has a lot of vignetting and you have to drop the bed and adjust the lens board (raise and tilt to parallel) this is a bit of a pain. The recessed board is necessary to get the lens on to the bed rails, I am not sure if the recessed board would handle a 0 shutter. Because of all of this I have only handled the lens on a tripod, I do have a focusing cam. If you are hand holdingI would thing a cam would be necessary. I ended up buying a 120 Angulon, not as good as the 90 SA but easier to work with. I don't have a cam for this lens so it gets used on a tripod.

  6. #6

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    Dec 2001

    Re: 90mm Lens Choice Paralysis

    Quote Originally Posted by BrianShaw View Post
    Hi John... hopefully not too off-topic, but do you use a center filter? Is there a profound benefit to using one with a 90?
    Brian, pmfji. There's not a strong consensus in favor of using a CF with a 90. Shorter, yes. 90, far from everyone finds it necessary.

    I can't speak from personal experience since I shoot 2x3. For me, 90 mm is short normal. But 65 mm on 2x3 is roughly equivalent to 90 on 4x5. I've rarely felt deprived because my 65/8 Ilex won't accept a CF. No filter threads. Occasionally, yes I felt deprived, but not often. It depends on the subject. Same goes for my 58/5.6 Konica Hexanon ex-Omegaflex. No CF that I know of will fit it.

  7. #7

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    El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula

    Re: 90mm Lens Choice Paralysis

    Thanks, Dan. Your insights are always welcomed!

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    now in Tucson, AZ

    Re: 90mm Lens Choice Paralysis

    The older (chrome) 90/8 Super-Angulons are fine lenses. I owned one in the '80s and just printed an neg made with it yesterday. Plenty of resolution! And I used another example on the job for 20+ years. No complaints there either.
    That said, in about 1991 I replaced the SA with a 90/8 Nikkor-SW, a fantastic lens. More contrast (which means better color rendition), likely more coverage, very sharp. I made a fair bit of money shooting architecture with it back in the day, and it's still a favorite.

    Most of your "paralysis" is deciding what you want to do with it- no lens is perfect for every application.

  9. #9

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    Sheridan, Colorado

    Re: 90mm Lens Choice Paralysis

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Fromm View Post
    I've rarely felt deprived because my 65/8 Ilex won't accept a CF. No filter threads. Occasionally, yes I felt deprived, but not often. It depends on the subject. Same goes for my 58/5.6 Konica Hexanon ex-Omegaflex. No CF that I know of will fit it.
    I know for some it's blasphemy, but for a couple of my lenses that lack front filter threads (the one that comes to mind is an otherwise perfect Tamron 17mm), I've simply glued a UV filter to the front. Any appropriate-sized filter with the glass removed would do the trick.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Newbury, Vermont

    Re: 90mm Lens Choice Paralysis, I don't use a center filter with the 90mm - and for my needs have never felt this to be a detriment.

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