Komura 75mm F6.3 Peco Profia Darkroom Store Viewing Hood by Nokton48, on Flickr

Komura 75mm F6.3 Seiko had a bad cable socket, which Mac at Camtronics was able to replace. So now the cable release fits tightly with no wobble, and I can use the lens. Nice and bright and very sharp to look through. It is in the Plaubel catalogs so it was recommended for the Peco Profia. To complete using it, an Ednalite Magnifer, and a vinyl lightproof hood, from Fred Newman/Darkroom Store, make for very pleasant viewing. I can back my head up, and see the entire screen at once. This can be a feat with LF wideangle lenses. This one is SWEET to look through, plan to do some upcoming shoots with it. Octabox 150 David Maheu background. I just bought six new ones from David, he was closing them out.