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Thread: First professional website

  1. #11

    Join Date
    May 2019

    Re: First professional website

    I should have stated that the new website is still not online. As i’m not completely sure about the images.
    And yes I have foreseen an translate on the site: English and French.

    But again this input is quite helpful.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    May 2019

    Re: First professional website

    Quote Originally Posted by xkaes View Post
    The home page of any website should clearly state what it is, what it does, and why it's there.

    I don't see any of that -- so why would I "go forward"?

    It's true that many websites suffer the same affliction, but you won't get on any search engine list without that.
    Indeed and the new one will explain this

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Purcellville, VA

    Re: First professional website

    hi, Patrick. Leaving aside that I am film only, I would not include exif data on a website showing your work. Your work is your accomplishment and the reason for the site. Someone interested in your exif data should see your work on the an appropriate forum, a magazine article extolling your technical mastery, or should pay you for instruction.
    Philip Ulanowsky

    Sine scientia ars nihil est. (Without science/knowledge, art is nothing.)

  4. #14
    darr's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    The South

    Re: First professional website

    Hi Patrick, here are some thoughts on your questions about your website.

    Regarding displaying EXIF Information:


    (1) For those visitors who are photographers or tech enthusiasts, including technical details can be appreciated.

    (2) It offers transparency and highlights the skill put into each shot, providing authenticity.

    (3) SEO benefits: Some people search for images based on camera or lens type, so including EXIF data can make your images more searchable.



    (1) Regarding photos, customers prioritize emotional and aesthetic appeal over technical specifications.

    (2) Too much information on a page can be overwhelming and draw attention away from the main focus, the image itself.

    (3) It's important to remember that most potential buyers won't be concerned with technical details.

    After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, a possible solution could be to provide access to EXIF data without it being readily visible.
    This can be done by adding a "See Details" link or an icon that can be hovered over to display the technical information in a less intrusive manner.


    Regarding whether to separate digital images from analog ones in your portfolio, here are some considerations:

    (1) If a significant portion of your audience consists of photography purists who value LF and MF photography over digital, separating those images might be a good idea.

    (2) If your digital and analog work have distinct styles or themes, separating them may make sense.

    (3) Grouping all images into thematic or stylistic categories, such as landscapes or portraits, could make the site easier to navigate. However, breaking them down by capture method would add unnecessary complexity.

    (4) If the capture or printing process is an integral part of your artistic statement (i.e., cyanotype, Platinum Palladium, etc.), it may be necessary to give it its own category, depending on what you want to emphasize.


    The Bottom Line:
    Because your goal is to sell prints, offer workshops, and host photo walks, the primary focus should be on what resonates with your target audience.

    Consider what your unique selling proposition (USP) is. If your USP is closely tied to your use of traditional methods (LF and MF photography, Platinum Palladium, and Cyanotype prints), emphasizing that could be beneficial.

    Ultimately, people usually buy art because they feel an emotional connection to it rather than focusing on the technical details behind its creation.

    It's also worth noting that your website is likely to attract other photographers as a significant portion of your audience, as they often visit the sites of fellow photographers.
    Therefore, striking a balance between providing essential information and keeping the spotlight on the artwork itself could be an effective strategy.

    Keep tweaking the site as time passes, listen to your target audience, and I wish you the best of luck!


  5. #15

    Join Date
    May 2019

    Re: First professional website


    Thank you for the great response.
    What started out as a easy project: find a copy writer for text, a designer and then my ‘incredible’ images ;-) and get it up-and-running before the end of this year.
    Turned out not so easy. As the site is getting more and more shape, more ‘problems’ are showing up.
    My initial idea of purchasing prints are not user friendly so getting it ready before the end of this year will be a challenge.

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Sheridan, Colorado

    Re: First professional website

    Even a simple website WITHOUT sales, email, videos, links, etc. is a time-consuming challenge -- IF you want to make it good. Anyone can get crap setup in a few minutes, because the sales"men" will tell you different.

  7. #17

    Join Date
    May 2019

    Re: First professional website

    An update here:

    The url below is from a 'testing' site as I have been experience some trouble with Wordpress plugins from some companies.

    The site is coming together slowly, I could need some feedback from the forum members.
    Layout is done with some help from a designer, and the text with a content writer.

    Let me explain:
    For the most part the website is for a Belgium audience so the site is in dutch, except the Photowalks. Here the aim is to get foreign customers who are interested in these events (Yes I'm aiming for you out there :-) ). Done some in the past with success.

    So I am using a translate plugin on the website. For 90 % this plugin does it job, but not always.

    As I’m retired the end of the year another 10$/month to set the translation right … All the little ones make one big one.

    I know for a professional site I need things to be correct, so as most of you are English speaking would you recommend the better translation plugin ?

    Thank you

  8. #18
    wclark5179's Avatar
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    Minnetonka, Minnesota

    Re: First professional website

    “ My first impression is that a potential customer doesn’t care with what camera, lens or film the image is taken.
    As long if he likes it, he wil buy it.”

    That’s true from my experience.

    Who are your potential customers?

    When I did my first web site, my potential customers were people who desire photographs made of themselves. This usually revolved around specific events.

    My potential customers spent very little time looking at the first (main) page that would come up.

    Simple worked best for me.

    My web site did less and less for signing up new clients as, after getting a base of clients that liked what I did, my future clients were from referrals.

    Hope this helps you.

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