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Thread: Rigid 4x5 Cameras

  1. #1

    Rigid 4x5 Cameras

    I'm looking for reviews and recommendations on rigid large format cameras. I've seen The Cambo Wide, the Alvandi line up, Chroma has their snapshot, and I think there was a Silvestri... I'd like a somewhat quick to set up and use body that can take something in the range of 120-135mm.

    I'd order an Alvandi but he's months out and is overseas. There are fewer used Cambos out there than I might have expected. The Chroma looks good but I want something fairly durable and unlikely to fall out of calibration...

    Would love to know any options or opinions I may be missing!

    P.S. I'd actually order the 5x7 Alvandi, so 57 better for me if something is available.

  2. #2
    Tin Can's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Rigid 4x5 Cameras

    I bought a nice Printed Camera from Norway

    He can make what you want 5x7 8x10

    3d printed - WillTravel 4x5 camera for your focal length

    I wanted a replacement for my Travelwide

    Wanderlust VS Will Travael by TIN CAN COLLEGE, on Flickr
    Tin Can

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    San Francisco Bay Area

    Re: Rigid 4x5 Cameras

    I printed up my own Will Travel 4x5s. One is a short 58mm body for a fixed pinhole, and the other has my 90mm f8 Super-Angulon. But getting one from Morton is a good option.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Re: Rigid 4x5 Cameras

    There was never a 120 or 135 lens-plus-cone offered for the original Cambo Wide body. There was a 150, IIRC with a fairly distant minimum focus. Thinking about other metal-bodied cameras with lenses in focus mounts:

    Fotoman offered a 4x5 with cones and helicals for various focal lenghts; the various pieces now turn up only very occasionally on eBay.

    There was a flurry of Chinese-brand rigid-body 4x5's that could be custom-configured and ordered new on eBay, but it looks like those are pretty much gone at this point.

    Don't recall if the Sinar Handy could be factory-configured with a 120 or 135.

    I'm sure Bob Salomon could tell you whether the Linhof Technar was offered with a 120 or 135.

    Many things are possible with any of these bodies if you are willing to spend money for custom fabrication of cones and/or helicals.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Re: Rigid 4x5 Cameras

    Make one yourself? I made one for a 125mm Fujinon. At f/16 this is a fix focus at hyperfocal.
    Expert in non-working solutions.

  6. #6
    Tin Can's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Rigid 4x5 Cameras

    BTW if you look at my 2 cameras pic

    notice my DIY GG that fits in any camera like a film holder

    for setting the adjustable focus on both
    Tin Can

  7. #7

    Re: Rigid 4x5 Cameras

    That Dayi is kind of interesting. Might be a good option...looks like they still make them.

    I'd go the DIY route but TBH I'm looking for something pretty rugged as I'll be taking this in a marine environment in bags, dinghies,'ll be kind of used and abused. I want to be able to pull a camera out of my bag, have it up on a tripod and be focusing as soon as possible. I have a Chamonix 57N which is very nice, light weight, and well thought out, but there is still the process of dialing in the standards, attaching the lens, making sure I have the front screwed into the right slot, etc etc. When I'm losing light...I'm just not fast enough...

    The other option I suppose is a press camera...which are heavier but similarly rigid and fast.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: Rigid 4x5 Cameras

  9. #9
    M.A. Wikstrom
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Rigid 4x5 Cameras

    I made one to fit a 75mm lens. Not 3d printed, mine is made from 1/4-inch high grade plywood, and aluminum. Got the helicoid from an ebay Chinese seller and the Graflock back and ground glass are from a Sinar. I use it more than expected, and it has resulted in nice images both 4x5 and 6x12 (Horseman 6x12 back). Other than making the body the thing that took the longest was calibrating infinity focus.

    I recently replaced the Fujinon SW 75/8 with a Nikkor 75/4.5.

    image0 (2) by Marco Wikstrom, on Flickr
    image1 (1) by Marco Wikstrom, on Flickr

  10. #10

    Re: Rigid 4x5 Cameras

    Quote Originally Posted by Axelwik View Post
    I made one to fit a 75mm lens. Not 3d printed, mine is made from 1/4-inch high grade plywood, and aluminum. Got the helicoid from an ebay Chinese seller and the Graflock back and ground glass are from a Sinar. I use it more than expected, and it has resulted in nice images both 4x5 and 6x12 (Horseman 6x12 back). Other than making the body the thing that took the longest was calibrating infinity focus.

    I recently replaced the Fujinon SW 75/8 with a Nikkor 75/4.5.

    image0 (2) by Marco Wikstrom, on Flickr
    image1 (1) by Marco Wikstrom, on Flickr
    That is super cool! Beyond my skills. Nice work however.

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