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Thread: This is the most common mistake I make with my 4x5 camera. Am I alone?

  1. #21

    Re: This is the most common mistake I make with my 4x5 camera. Am I alone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Certain Exposures View Post
    Have any of you ever done this? How many lashes do you give yourself when this happens?

    This is the third time I've done it. The other two times I was rushing for a couple fading light landscapes.

    Also, why can't we share an image in a comment with the "insert image" feature?

    Edit: The film holder isn't in all the way!
    Here's a funny update. The holder was in just enough that I got the shot.


    I made a mistake during development for the first time. The mistake ruined the film. Thankfully, I correctly shot and developed the remaining frames.

  2. #22

    Re: This is the most common mistake I make with my 4x5 camera. Am I alone?

    I have a related question.

    How idiot proof are darkroom bags? Have any of you ever been victimized by one? I just ordered my first one because I'll need to be able to reload for this shoot.

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Re: This is the most common mistake I make with my 4x5 camera. Am I alone?

    Just remember to take your Apple Watch/FitBit/watch with luminous dial/whatever off before using the changing bag.

  4. #24

    Re: This is the most common mistake I make with my 4x5 camera. Am I alone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dugan View Post
    Just remember to take your Apple Watch/FitBit/watch with luminous dial/whatever off before using the changing bag.
    This isn't just in a change bag but also the darkroom. I was loading a 36 exposure roll of film onto the reel when my fitbit lit up to tell me I had met my number of steps for the day. Since then both my fitbit and phone stay out of the darkroom when i am processing film. Hard lesson to learn.

  5. #25
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: This is the most common mistake I make with my 4x5 camera. Am I alone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Certain Exposures View Post
    I have a related question.

    How idiot proof are darkroom bags? Have any of you ever been victimized by one? I just ordered my first one because I'll need to be able to reload for this shoot.
    Making something fool-proof only challenges Mother nature to make a better fool. My experiences:

    Dust -- in a relatively dust free place, turn the bag inside out and shake the dust out.
    Bag may be 100% light-tight, but stay out of the sun...the heat will cause your hands to sweat.
    Your nose will never itch so much as when you got both arms in the bag and the film box open.
    Be sure your position is comfortable and'll be in it for awhile!
    Make sure you have everything you need in the bag before you start.
    Make sure the film box(es) are closed up properly before removing arms.

    Sometimes a simple internal framework can be made to keep the top of the bag away from your hands/film/film holders. (Tinker Toys, plastic pipe with slip-fittings, etc).

    Don't do it in a hotel lobby -- they'll think you are shooting-up in public (or at least they'll come over and ask you what is going on); El Tovar Hotel, Grand Canyon.
    "Landscapes exist in the material world yet soar in the realms of the spirit..." Tsung Ping, 5th Century China

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