Quote Originally Posted by willwilson View Post
My 4x5 HP5 time for an N development is 9m at 70F in a jobo. It also is a 200 or even 160 ISO for me. Maybe you underexposed and over developed a bit causing your error.

I'd say knock out a film speed test. Fred Pickers method works well for 35mm. https://youtu.be/hNUtaMlPh3I

I usually find a softened neg looks better than a softened print from a hard neg.

This looks really interesting. One of the issues I am dealing with is that I do not have a personal film speed. I shot my negatives last summer at box speed but subsequently I have been told that box speed is a lie. That is why I am looking into Xtol. I don't want my negatives to be too thin. In the past I have shot Tri-X at box speed and developed it by following D76 and HC-110 suggested development times and my negatives turned out to be way too thin. I have been told, as a rule, you should cut the film speed in half to open up one stop because the box speed is a lie. I wonder what other people would do. I want to save the negatives I shot last summer using HP5+. I wonder if HP5+ has the same issue as not being box speed.